MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Discussion > You know a series is dead, when there ar...

You know a series is dead, when there are characters from other dimensions.

This means officially that the Marvel writers cant handle Spiderman the real way anymore. Characters from other dimensions mean that they hate the original story and try to put something into a franchise which was never part of it for a godd reason.

Characters from other dimensions is the clipper effect of any franchise. Aka the end.


Spider-Man (in the comics, at least) ran out of steam in the late 80s/early 90s and never fully recovered. As for movies, general audiences just want dazzling special effects and quests for gemstones and rings and crap like that.


Ultimate Spider-Man is considered to be one of the best. That was early 2000s.


And that's hipster number 456 too busy smelling his own farts to see the obvious point.


Good to know the Justice League died in 1960. That's when the first Justice League/Justice Society meet up occurred. You know, the Justice League of Earth-One and the Justice Society of Earth-Two: different dimensions.

Or the Avengers died in 1971 when we first met the Squadron Supreme (the heroic version of the Squadron Sinister from 1969).

Quite simply, your thesis has no validity. Various dimensions have happened before and multiple times. Their appearance has no effect on a serie's health and is not a symptom of series ill-health.


My thesis is movie fact. Everytime someone chats about alternate dimensions or many occurencies of the same person then its evident that this franchise stopped. And es, it stopped back then. Ever franchise does now and then? Forgot the horrible and laughable Supermans death comic many years ago?


And may I ask your examples?


You couldn't be more off base. This movie wasn't being made and they were desperate for a story so they threw in these characters from other dimensions out of said desperation. This movie was made with the intent of including these characters for fun. And that's what it was.


Cause they have no other ideas with the real stuff anymore. They are out of ideas. Doing multiverse stuff is officially saying "We dont have the smallest idea what to do with that franchise anymore". Reboots are another way to say that BTW :) .


Yet you are still unable to give actual examples. Until you do, your assertion is merely conjecture, and poor conjecture at that.


Lol. You’re a joke.


You know,its true that the beauty of the original Spiderman was the fact that it was a "realistic story" as much as a superhero story can be realistic,of course. Peter was a common boy that lived more grounded adventures in the beginning. But with the years,i think it was pretty natural to evolve in something more supernatural,and i think going in other dimensions is better than do crazy stuffy like the story where Green Goblin has a child with Gwen Stacy!


i think your post is a very instructive example of actually judging the product itself instead of basing your opinions on a high level summary of the plot.

because the movie imo is a complete delight, one of the most beautifully animated films ever made, and a model modern film: exciting, funny, and absolutely bursting with heart & emotion.

if you don't dig it, then that's a-ok. you're entitled to your preferences. but the fact that it's a film that was incredibly well reviewed and taken to heart by so many speaks well to its virtues, i'd say.


I wish people would talk about this movie without bring up the Animation every 5 seconds. You all sound like "OH THE PRETTY COLORS". Also there nothing too emotional about this movie. Outside of his uncle death.


The Clone Saga and stories after it, damaged the original Spiderman comic run.

Everyone really felt the series reached the apex onces Aunt May and Doc Ock died. Instead of moving to a somewhat closure or passing of the torch they introduced a crazy set of events with clones, Norman back from the dead, Pete's child...

Writers were completely out of ideas and their best reset switch was just rebooting and introducing newer timelines.


the movie was great you must be smoking quack!
