MovieChat Forums > Counterpart (2017) Discussion > "I'm sorry I ever met him."

"I'm sorry I ever met him."

That quote is what Our Howard said in reply to a question that Baldwin, the assassin sent by Their Side, to kill his wife who lies, helpless, on life support, in hospital. Baldwin asked Our Howard, "What do you think of [the other Howard]?" I am no longer calling Our Earth's Howard milquetoast Howard. He is kind-hearted Howard. The Other Earth Howard is still badass Howard, or maybe hard-hearted Howard. The character of kind-hearted Howard is growing by leaps and bounds, and, with the third episode, gave us a glimpse of a quiet but enduring strength that may beyond that of which Badass is capable. It saved his life, and Aldrich's. I've raved about the casting. Now I'm going to rave about the developing narrative and the writing. Badass had me in actual howling, applauding stitches several times in his scene where a team from his own side tries to interrogate him in an Embassy on Our Side. Simmons continues to impress by inhabiting two completely different characters right in front of our eyes. And the narrative development . . . ! I am not going to spoil anything, but the fleshing-out of Emily, Howard's wife on both earths, is fascinating and, perhaps even more important, an extremely rare combination of completely unexpected (to me, at least) and unforced. I can't wait to see what happens next.

As I watched Episode 3, I asked myself what genre is this? Science Fiction? Spy? Thriller? Mystery? The best answer that I could summon was the most simple. It is all of the above, but, above all, it is just Damned Good Drama. No androids, no dragons, no serial killers with good intentions, no mobsters; just, at the end of the day, Damned Good Drama.


I wish it was more of a sci-fi thriller (or even a spy thriller), though, because the drama (or to be more accurate, the melodrama) in this often gets to be a bit much (like "our" Howard's undying love and devotion for his wife - he is not a man, he is like some cookie cutter idea of a man). Some moments are downright maudlin.

But I don't know, I'll probably finish out the season, unless I am irrevocably disappointed in the next episode or two.


I see your point(s). Perhaps I'm too tolerant (R_Kane tolerant?! The hell you say!), or too impressed by how Simmons is able to inhabit what are at the moment two very different personalities simultaneously, and, often, in the same scene together, to be a more discriminating observer of the totality of the show. My instinct says that what's to come as this story unfolds is going to be much more complex than what we've gotten so far. I hope you've seen Ep 4. If not, please skip to the next paragraph right now. I thought for sure that Baldwin, brutally betrayed and set up by her lover, was dead for certain, but there
was more to Baldwin than I had credited her. I thought for sure that kind-hearted Howard would be in a world of hurt on Their Side, but his fundanental goodness (which I concede can prima faci come across as being cookie cutter) not only tentatively helped perhaps to start to heal a ruptured bond between hard-hearted Howard's wife, Emily and h-h Howard's daughter, Anna. It also gained him a potentially invaluable ally in Their Emily, who, while clearly as tough as carborundum steel, told Our Howard, "You're a better man than he is."

Some series start slow, but are worth the investment, e.g, Star Trek, Game Of Thrones. Others, not so much, e.g., American Gods, season 3 of Twin Peaks. To me, Counterpart feels like it's in the first group. Caveat: I am human, hence, imperfect.

Excatera, you post sparingly, which impresses me, like another friend whom I have here. I have only seen you post when you have something substantial to say, unlike so many others on the internet who natter on about the dumbest and most inconsequential thoughts imaginable. I am flattered that you so often seem to reply to me.


Yes, I came to check out the message board after watching ep 4. Baldwin is a professional killer, and, from the looks of it, one of the main characters in this story, so I am sure she won't be so easy to dispose of.

Well, I only post on the boards of the shows I watch, so if I reply to you it means in this instance our viewing preferences coincided. :)


It was. I was fact-checking. Have another look.


I also added something above.

Btw, have you watched the German series "Dark"?


I have not, and this is the first I've heard of it. What's it about? I live in the USA; do you know (wow! this is a lazy question!) how we Yanks can get access to it? Do you know if it is available in English? Do you live in Germany?

Regarding our mutual tastes: great minds think alike. Regarding your parsimonious posting: I've been on this site as long as anyone, and I have, what?, 2300 posts, while others who've been here as long have over 10,000, and others, less time, like 5,000. I have always preferred quality over quantity.


No, that show is easy to get, it came out on Netflix in December. A little difficult to watch, as you have to give it your total undivided attention because of the subtitles, but oh, so worth it. I watched it twice in a row, in fact, because after the first viewing it was all I could think about. I would say it was the most thought-provoking movie or series I saw in 2017.

I was sorely missing a thoughtful interlocutor to discuss it with, though.


Interlocutor. What a nice word. Let me look into this. Please grant me a little time, as I've a couple challenges going on right now; but I am good with challenges.


I want you to know that I’ve tried to find a way to watch Dark, but, so far, have come up short. I am not impressed by Netflix and can’t justify creating an account. Comcast recently offered a free week of Netflix to their subscribers, and I completely forgot about Dark (which may not have been one of the sample programs anyway), and binged on Altered Carbon, which did nothing to change my opinion of Netflix. I have a lot of respect for your opinion, which is why I’m leaving you this note. I haven’t forgotten about you, and I’ve a passion for Germania. One of the appeals that Counterpart has for me is the Berlin setting.


Oh, Altered Carbon I couldn't watch at all, gave up after the second episode.

But there are many great shows on Netflix.

Glad you remember. :)


Re Altered Carbon, I wrote a post to the effect that it’s hard to understand how something can be so badly written AND so confusing simultaneously.




Which point are you responding to?


Nevermind I had my actresses mixed up I swore she was Ruby Rose LOL.


R_Kane--I know your comments were five years ago, but I hope maybe you're still around. I just watched "Counterpart", and I, too, came up with the name "Badass Howard" to differentiate Howard from the other world. At first I called "our" Howard "Doormat Howard", but I gradually came to admire him and realize he was pretty damned tough, too. Simmons was brilliant, and everyone else in the series was excellent, too. I'll probably watch it again sometime, and maybe figure out some of the things I didn't quite get the first time around.
