MovieChat Forums > Counterpart (2017) Discussion > At the LEAST make a Counterpart movie

At the LEAST make a Counterpart movie

Or two two-hour movies shown in two parts to close the entire series out don't leave us on that idiot cliffhanger that ended Season 2.


A lot of us would watch!

Oh hell! While we’re at it, let’s give Baldwin her own movie!


I'm in the middle of Season 2 and absolutely love this show! I'll keep watching until the end of the season, even though I know it wasn't renewed and now, from your post, I know that I'll be left hanging at the end.

I hope some other company picks up this show, it's excellent. Your idea of a movie isn't bad either, at least by the end we'd have some closure.


You’re really not left hanging that much. It’s more of a speculation about the future than it is a “must see,” to-be-continued ending: a soft open-ended ending, rather than a cliffhanger.

I want and hope there’s more, that an enlightened outlet lets us see and enjoy; but, if (sigh, probably not) I (as Counterpart Enthusiast #1), am okay with that.


Well, I just finished it. Wow, what a great series! You're right @R_Kane(5506), it's not really a cliffhanger. There was closure on everyone's story line, I was just so sad for Emily and Howard! And, unfortunately, it looked like Yanek was infected by Mira with the virus that we thought was completely stopped from being spread by the terrorists. I wish there were more shows like this one.


So do I. So do many of us. You know what? I think we’ll get them! Do you know why? Economic incentive, the motivation that follows only love and revenge as an incentive. You won’t see it on broadcast TV. You’ll starve for it in film, saturated as “cinema” is with comic book pomposity. You will find it in video uncensored, uninhibited, driven-only-by-the-agenda-of-transcendent-excellence video. The Golden Age of broadcast TV (1950-1969) was one thing. It was almost as good as going to the movies, and it was free. My family and I had dinner while watching it. Today, the Platinum Age of TV, when we can watch magnificent longform series like The Sopranos, The Wire, Game of Thrones, Rome, Spartacus, Counterpart on huge 4K direct-view or projection screens in our homes with better sound and picture than I can give you in any theater on the face of the planet, and with better, and cheaper, food and beverage choices . . . ? That’s the proverbial no-brainer.

Video killed the Cinema star.

I still like to believe that Their Emily and Our Howard find each other. They are SUCH wonderful
actors. I have to hope and believe that they complete each other. I believe in His Will. I do with all of my heart and soul.

And Baldwin is such an unusual character, such a synthesis of the savage (Their Baldwin) and the artistic (Our Baldwin), to create what is a false distinction, because the synthesis is “martial artist,” which describes her perfectly. “You don’t want this,” said to antagonist with heartfelt conviction and not a trace of malice. Her antagonist persisted. Thirty seconds later, she has killed three people in self-defense.


Unfortunately that does not seem to be in the stars for us, Justin Marks put out a tweet that there will be no 3rd season at all in any form ... If we are lucky the producers might give an outline for what might have happened in Season 3


Thank you for that intel. So let’s make peace with what we do have: 20 magnificent hours of story that I believe more firmly than ever help to buttress the argument that THIS is the Platinum Age of TV.

If they showed this in I-Max theaters, 2 episodes at a time per night, with in-seat personal food and beverage service, and THX-certified sound and video-mastery, do you think they would get any crowds?

Duh. Is the His Holiness, The Pope, Catholic?

I’d be be the first in line in Boston.
