MovieChat Forums > Good Joe Bell (2021) Discussion > Mark Wahlberg as anti-prejudice hero is ...

Mark Wahlberg as anti-prejudice hero is height of Hollywood hypocrisy


!) This is not a review of a movie. This is simply a bash of ONE person in the movie. I am not denying that I boycott certain movies because of certain people who have trashed their credibility because of their actions or more, their inability to keep their pieholes shut about their own prejudices and political crap etc. Nevertheless I do not trash an entire movie which I probably dont even see, simply because they are in it.
2) I this case I did see the movie. I am not here to defend Wahlbergs past actions.
Nevertheless a movie is not just a product of the past (completely inappropriate) actions of one person in the movie. I can appreciate a movie without always condoning the offscreen past actions which were pretty horrendous. I give due credit to ALL of the performances in the movie and its ability to touch base with a very serious and very real issue about bullying. THIS message come across well in the movie. It was very moving and I was very emotional about what the young man was experiencing.
3) I think this movie is being hijacked and pigeonholed by the LGBTQ etc etc groups.
The REAL issue here is about BULLYING,...... for ANY reason, not just sexual identity.
Bullying can happen for any number of reasons and its WRONG. Its a SERIOUS issue.
Next is suicide. When a person feels that he is bullied by most, and does not get the needed support from family and friends, they often have nowhere to turn. They cant seem to turn to the people who are supposed to be in charge if keeping order and civility. This is what happened here. A boy crying out for help. Friends and family putting him "on hold"
Authorities doing nothing.
4) I like the movie for what it does and the message it gives us. I may not like some of those who are delivering a part of that message but i DO appreciate that they are an instrument that is a pert of this important message.
I can only hope that Wahlberg sees fit to turn around and give us a new and and better image of who he is today.




Can we assume you've never did anything wrong or bad in your life?


bo hoo, cry me some tears, he is gay.
