MovieChat Forums > A Cure for Wellness (2017) Discussion > My guess with this movie's twist

My guess with this movie's twist

Okay, I have a prediction here regarding what this movie's supposed "twist" ending might end up being. I haven't seen any advance Screenings or anything, but judging from the trailer, this is my guess. I predict it'll be that DeHaan's character was really a patient at this facility the entire time and he was having a delusion that he was there for some other purpose or something. This feels a lot like Shutter Island, so it wouldn't shock me if they tried making that the twist.


No that's not the twist.
I went to the Advanced Screening of this movie.

You're just repeating the ending to Shutter Island.

This movie is far less twisty than Shutter Island but far more disturbing.
The twist is more of like a gradual reveal, not a pull-the-rug-out-from-under-you-type twist.


Can you please spoil it for us?
