6.3/10, saw it last night

Not great, was expecting it to be better. Left with more questions than answers. I understood the final twist but some stuff was confusing or the explanation was so quick I have to stop and think if it was even explaining.


What confused you? I saw it too, maybe I can help.


What was the deal with the eels? Why did the old people stay there willingly? What was the deal with the water dehydrating them?


Spoilers ahead

The eels combined with the water created "the cure", noted when Jason Isaacs was about to make Dane part of the process. He also said that it was lethal unless properly filtered, which is where all the guests came in. It wasn't just the water that dehydrated them, it was their bodies processing the cure.

I never did quite get how they were brainwashed into staying, aside from his comment that hope for a cure wouldn't come without sickness.


The eels were symbols of the secret desire everyone has for Japanese hentai tentacle manga. 😜


So you had to think afterwards? I hate movies where you have to think! I just want my popcorn


Cool, I'll probably like it more hehehe.

Whatever you are, be a good one.
