LOL really dumb title

These Hollywood tards need to come to me and ask me what they should call their movies.

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli

reply just no....


Oh the irony lol.

I Sympathise with Lars Von Trier.


[chuckles at OP's initial comment; clears throat] **AHEM!** Uh, yeah--he's uh... um... absolutely right? (snickering again), I suppose. I mean after all, is it really ALWAYS this chock-full-of cheesy-ass corniness that even my 2 year-old sister could come up with better titles -- which she DOES?!

All kidding aside, it TRULY is a travesty and a cryin' shame that the biggest decision-makers in the industry--who ALSO happen to be the biggest hacks--have YET to mobilize and put into action what would prove to be their best & strongest weapon -- meaning the film (title) phenom, or more accurately--film PRODIGY--who along with the original poster himself, and creator of THIS very thread, end up creating a singular vision... Namely because both jerkoffs are the SAME Goddamn person to begin with!

Jesus Christ! Just how daft and unbelievably obtuse can all of you dumbasses prove yourselves to be particularly when y'all get so high on yourselves and your perceived 'talents' and 'strengths' that you may as well have 'DOUCHE' written on your forehead! At least it'd be the TRUTH -- And SO, for creations sake and Hollywood films' glory and to save them by preventing them from being embarrassed by HORRENDOUS titles that execs bestow on them... HIRE THIS *beep*

Didn't y'all hear him?!! He's really DA VEWY VEWY BEST! And God KNOWS, not JUST Hollywood, but the REST of the film world AS WELL needs an immense movie title makeover; All fully-functioning, top-tier studios... All the production companies & distributors, big AND small--specialty & art house; mainstream & independent, etc... There's no one who WOULDNT benefit from this *beep* Vall the OP right *beep* away!

Peace and can't wait to see what other *beep* titles the big-wigs come up with?


I personally love the title. Truly unsettling to me.


Hi there. You have a stupid username. You must be a Hollywood shlock.


What would you name this movie?


"The Cure" maybe. Short, sweet, to the point. Yeah a little bland and it's also the name of that goth rock band. Maybe if I saw the movie I'd have a few better ideas for what they should have called it.

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli


I like the title as it is. Is interesting and intriguing


Wasn't there already a movie with that title? I'm all for recycling but some folks are bound to get confused.


The Cure? Really? There's a movie from two years ago with that title, as well as one in 1997 and one 1995, and also the band, as you mentioned. I think a strange long title is better than a dull short one.

I think it's a great title, ominous and creepy, and from everything i've seen the movie is the same.


I was expecting some amazing, subtly-creepy wonderful new title, and all you have to offer is "The Cure?!" C'mon, Mob. Don't hype yourself up if you can't back yourself up, you adorable little prick!





