Just saw trailer...

I haven't heard of this movie or anything relating to it so I came here to find out more and I'm still kind of confused as to what it's about. It looks visually stunning and mysterious and beautiful . Pretty excited .


Looks very well-made and mysterious. Very scary and disturbing, but looks very good. Reminds me a lot of American Horror Story.


Lol no. AHS is trash however it looks like Black Mirror which actually is good and is one of the best anthology TV series out there!


I agree the Black Mirror is an excellent anthology series. Season 3 on Netflix on 10/21/16!


Lmao AHS got you on its strings


Looks. I wonder how they are able to keep a company's CEO and other probably rich people there by force. Probably brainwashing of some sorts. It looks visually stunning thats for sure.


I was thinking the same. Saw the trailer and had no idea what it was, but I already knew I wanted to watch it. It looks amazing!


Yes it does!!

I just watched the trailer. Wow! Gore Verbinsky back at the top of his game. The photography is amazing. Some really neat use of reflections. Looks dark and creepy too. Kind of reminds me of a cross between The Ring and Shutter Island.

I also heard about those "altered states" relaxation tanks. It was starting to be the rage again 5 or 6 years ago. The water is kept at body temperature. Inside the tank there is zero light. I forget if you are hooked up to an oxygen mask or if your head always stays afloat somehow. After several hours of being in pitch black darkness while floating completely weightless your mind starts to play serious tricks on you and you begin to hallucinate.

Sounds intriguing, but seems to be kind of risky. I mean... what if you thought down was up and vice-versa and your face was now submerged in water and were drowning? I doubt the technicians would be able to get to you in time before some kind of disaster happens.

Anyway, this movie does look very interesting, and so far it appears to have a slick unique idea behind it.


Very interesting. I hope we get a fresh movie with this one. I'm very excited for this.


You are talking about a Sensory Deprivation Tank. They are pretty wild. You don't really hallucinate as much as you lose all sensation of having a body. You are not hooked up to oxygen. It is simultaneously the most incredible and creepy feeling you can have.

Trying to decide whether or not to have a signature


Same here, as well. The trailer has just the right amount of creepy and enough mystery & intrigue to draw you in. It's smart how they're doing that. It builds suspense. It makes it more alluring to get people wanting to know more. It's a trailer that you watch and you can't stop thinking about it. It's kinda like foreplay. Stop teasing us with your gorgeous trailer & give us what we want.

~ Death is only the beginning...


Haha, yes! It's a very refreshing type of trailer. Nothing is given away and no one can really tell what's going on, and it's great.


The IMDB description is pretty clear: An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company's CEO from an idyllic but mysterious "wellness center" at a remote location in the Swiss Alps but soon suspects that the spa's miraculous treatments are not what they seem.

So basically the protagonist probably feigns (or actually takes on) some type of injury or illness to get in, gets some messed up treatment and sees all the messed up stuff doctors (or the owner) is doing, and tries to save the CEO (probably too far gone at that point) and himself from what is going on (experiments? torture? organ farming? etc.)

But I've been wrong about assuming too much from a trailer / description before.


I just watched the trailer and yes, it looks intriguing.

I'm all for spirituality but aren't we smart enough to find a better God?


I felt like the trailer gave things away. :( Now watching the movie might not be a huge surprise... :/


How? It gave away very little imo. If it gave away so much tell me, please, what is the ending?


I thought it was an upcoming tv series until the end. I don't mean that in a bad way.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.


This looks better than "Suicide Squad."
