Trailer music

I may be alone on this, but I don't care for this new trend of using covers of classic songs in trailers. It's how they do it that bothers me. Have them sing slowly and ominously. It's a bit much IMO.


I love it personally :D!

I Sympathise with Lars Von Trier.


Normally I would agree but I really like this version.


I didn't care for this one in particular. I did however like the music in the trailer for the Carrie remake.


i actually couldn't' take the trailer serious because of this. Maybe because this trope is so overplayed now or maybe it's because they used a Ramones song but i had to come here to see if this was some quirky black comedy.


Yes I'm with you. It was distracting IMO. Although I thought it was a good trailer in that it didn't give too much away.


I completely feel where you're coming from. Since The Social Network's trailer did it with Radiohead's Creep a few years ago, it seems to have become more and more prominent in trailers. And it's always a slower, more morose take on the original. But, in the case of this trailer, it's done very well and is very effective.


Good point. I forgot about Social Network(didn't care for that version either). The instrumentation is nice, and I like the idea of hearing good 'ole songs. Maybe it's the vocal style.


I take back what I said about Social Network trailer(it was really good). I'm referring to more recent examples. Sparse instrumentation usually with a dinstinct solo singer.


I went back and watched the trailer again for this, and as soon as I heard the girl start singing, I shut it off. Made me cringe a little bit.


Lol why?


I guess it's that voice.


I didn't know it was a cover, but yeah, the trailer song annoyed the life out of me...


Yah this was the worst cover I've heard in a long time
