
His concern about the Military-Industrial Complex is a 1960's event. $156M and no one has wikipedia. :(

Ding Dong The Witch is dead.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Excellent point. I guess when it came to researching Americans, the producers couldn't really be bothered.


They play with dates in other circumstances. Maybe not as dramatically. For instance, the Queen Mother bought her Scottish castle around the time of her husband's death. Well before the Commonwealth tour.

Most people thought I was a hero for killing Lydia's parrot.


They do indeed play with dates. The most drastic being when John Kennedy was killed in 1958 in the show instead of 1963. I was 8 years old in 1963 and am American. Trust me, I know the real date. He was shot in 1963.


And by the way, that actor did the very worst JFK I've ever seen. Also the man depicting Billy Graham seems to be channeling Jimmy Carter instead of Billy Graham.


His famous farewell speech was in 1961. That doesn't mean he wasn't concerned and talking about it before that.


exactly. Ike was quite fond of covert action subverting hostile states, including democracies.

he is the president that turned the CIA loose on the world.

that speech going out the door was nice and all, but....
