Princess Anne

Anyone else think this character is fantastic? I have no idea if the real Anne is like this, but if she is then more power to her. The actress is doing a great job with the dead pan delivery of lines.


Oh yes she is great! And the real Anne also went to the Olympics! And i think she won medals too.


Two silver medals yes in 1976.


She’s even better in s4. My new fave character



I find the way she is played by the actress as quite sexy. Perhaps it is the sarcasm and cold bloodedness lol.


Awesome and sexy character loved when in season 3 she slept with that guy she always had a crush on


She does have a bit of a dominatrix attitude. Maybe it’s the riding gear and whip.


Possibly and the almost expressionless face and proper upper crust English accent.


Along with Helena Bonham Carter I have found Erin Doherty to be a clear standout of the last two seasons. Both were sadly underused - at least Helena had one episode of her own, I do wish Anne had been given a showcase because Doherty really is very good.


She's sort of homely-hot. I visualize her in high boots, a whip in her hand, topless.
