new to the series

I am currently watching the 1st season on DVD. It's fun to learn about the early years of the Queen . Although I got a little squeamish seeing George's cancer surgery, does the show have to be that realistic? Sadly, he was a heavy smoker, but it was a different era. That was a cute scene where he gave the couple a movie projector as a wedding gift. Eventually I will catch up. 😊



The whole show, I think, has been good. But undoubtedly the first season is the best so savor it while you can. I actually am a little jealous that you get to go through it for the first time. I wish I could do that again.

Claire Foy is excellent.


Maybe your local library has it on DVD. I think this year is the last season? That is too bad, it would be cool if the series ran until the stories touched on the current generation. That would be fun!


It's on Netflix, which I have. So I can watch it again, but I can't watch it again for the first time. It's that virgin quality you possess that I'm jealous of.

And you're in luck: There are actually not just one, but two more seasons planned. Originally they said they were going to run through six seasons, then they said they were going to scale it back to only five, and now they're saying again that six seasons are on the way.

Honestly I think the show grows less interesting the closer it creeps toward the modern day, but it's still quality TV.


I kinda agree.


Agree. Mostly I'm trying to decide if the woman who plays Diana really captures how Diana presented herself.


I wonder that as well. She certainly does a decent job of looking like her, but I know nothing of the real Diana so I have no basis of comparison for her actions.

Season 4 was pretty dour honestly. Not much joy or life there.
