MovieChat Forums > The Path (2016) Discussion > where does eddie get his money?

where does eddie get his money?

I'm guessing prior to him leaving he got a stipend from the movement as they never showed him having a real life job. But now that he left, how does he afford the hotel and last minute trip to peru?


He worked for them as an enabler *oops* I mean recruiter, bringing in fresh blood to the cult.


so now that he left the movement (it's a movement btw, not a cult) he's cut off from the money, right?


We've tried to work out where the cult's money comes from because they do have some amazing facilities. Apparently they sell skin care products, so that would get them some money. They also charged Abe an "initiation fee" as I recall, so their recruits and students must pay for their workshops and such (although I doubt Mary did). And they just got a bunch of money coming in over the transom after Cal got that hedge funder to donate big and spread the word to his rich friends.

But that still couldn't account for the things they have -- a database on all their members, a very nice phone bank with separate cubicles (a luxurious setup in the non-profit world where you normally sit elbow-to-elbow with your fellow phone-beggars), that compound with agriculture and a water purification system and a clinic, their constant plane trips to Peru for six-week retreats, whatever life support system Meyer himself is on, their individual spies that follow the deniers around, et cetera!

In truth, I think it's just something they didn't bother thinking through. The cult has an incredible amount of money for unproductive things like retreats, 100-mile walks, and 2-week confinements.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


This would be interesting if the cult did it


After watching season 1 a couple times, I was left suspecting that the movement is a money laundering cover for drug smuggling...

Did anyone else come to a similar conclusion?


I wondered about this for the whole movement. Everyone seems to work in house, so where is the money coming in to support this compound, a place in San Diego, the villa in Peru.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.


Not sure how he afforded a trip to Peru, but isn't he working construction?


Yes...several scenes showing Eddie at construction job.


Yeah, so he works, and lives cheap. ;-)
