MovieChat Forums > Channel Zero (2016) Discussion > Ending + Puppets??????????

Ending + Puppets??????????

(1) OK, so the mom kills Mike(?) so trapped Eddie can't inhabit the real world. BUT..just before the ending where Eddie realizes he is trapped, the story shifts to a few months(?) later showing Lily playing and Mike (?) switching off the TV as Candle Cove is starting. SO....if Mike was dead in the real world, and trapped along with Eddie, how could he be with Lily to turn off the TV????? AND..if he could enter the real world, why couldn't his evil twin Eddie??

A quote from a movie review:

"He’s stuck in there with Eddie and the Skin-Taker, but as we see towards the end of the episode when he turns off the TV, Mike is also in a position where he can keep Candle Cove from hurting anyone ever again."

BUT HOW can Mike enter the real world at will and turn off a TV????

(2) I MUST have those puppets for my collection of haunted oddities...any chance they will be making toy replicas or fan-made replicas or copies like with just about every horror movie etc. ? (I would love to give to my 2 year old for Xmas..He watches a lot of puppet shows on TV and loves pirates!!!)

Even though Candle Cove was only a mini-series, the puppets are masterpieces of sinister entities and deserve to be immortalized, not put in a dust-bin of old movie props.


Mike can do that because he shares the same abilities as Eddie although Mike's power wasn't as strong or well developed as Eddie's.

Remember that Eddie's power grew stronger after Mike burned Eddie's corpse and removed his anchor to our world.

That was Eddie's plan the entire time: goad Mike into returning to Iron Hill (ex. Mike's "psychotic" episode when he carved Come Back Home into his arm.), get Mike to find and destroy Eddie's corpse to unshackle his spirit, and then condition Mike's body to make a suitable host for Eddie to inhabit and become human again.

Now that Mike's spirit exists in the alternate dimension and his physical body is dead, Mike's power has been magnified so that it is on par with Eddie's. The difference being that Mike is a compassionate person and loving father who will use his power to keep Eddie at bay.

The ending is symbolic. Mike turns off the television set to show that he is in control now. Candle Cove has been cancelled, so to speak. Eddie will no longer threaten Mike's daughter or any other child anymore.


OK..Thanks..BTW read my next post about the REAL Candle Cove!!!


The reply above answered most of what you asked but I thought I'd throw a tidbit in too...

I found the ending with Lily and Adult Mike to reminiscent of the ending of Tarkovsky's "Stalker" involving Stalker and heredity with Monkey, his daughter. I feel the scene in Channel Zero was deliberately shot in an imitative nature to Tarkovsky with very slow, deliberate panning across a single take - from Lily to Mike back to Lily - to highlight this homage. My take from this being that everything is indeed "OK" as it relates to Eddie and the corruption of his abilities, but that other children (probably Lily) share these same powers and they may be hereditary evolution.

P.S. IMO the slow pan in Channel Zero was far too slow and ineffective for the show. It really felt like it was done to shove the Stalker parallel on the viewers. Kinda cute. :)


I love jaw bone and the one with the mustache and striped shirt. Did not care for the one with the face of a doll its not even creepy.
