MovieChat Forums > Channel Zero (2016) Discussion > Characters reflected in show, tooth mons...

Characters reflected in show, tooth monster? Also theory.

So the skin taker is the main villain which is the skeleton with the top hat. Then we have Janice who is the girl character. Finally, Horace horrible who is the guy with the monocle. So if we have those characters covered, who is the tooth monster? My theory is maybe the tooth monster is causing the kids to have hallucinations of this show to lure them to the crows next. I suppose we shall see.


I don't know man but that tooth monster's just (shivers) blech! I get all goose pimply and itchy when I see just grosses me out and I haven't a clue as to why. I've never had a reaction to anything like that before, it's really caught me off guard lol!

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer


OMG I feel the same way! My oldest son and I get totally grossed out, it's literally hard for me to look at it. Makes me gag and want to barf! Glad it's not just me.


Lol that's exactly how I feel! My husband was laughing and saying "but honey you're an investigator, you've worked cold cases and have seen real dead bodies, what the hell?" And all I could do was gag, look away and walk into the kitchen. Blech!!!!

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer


I am so glad I am not alone on that. I am 36 years old and have been a horror movie fan since I was 9, but one look at that tooth monster and I almost went flying over the back of my chair to hide! It was such a visceral reaction, so well done to the special effects/costuming/makeup departments and whoever else was behind that because bleh! *shudders*


Lol tell me about it! I actually turned and went into the kitchen and hid by the pantry. All the while asking my husband "is he gone, for sakes tell me if he's gone!" He couldn't stop laughing. I don't know if there's a phobia or word for it but I guess I can't see bumps, chicken pox, or anything like that on skin cause it just, blechhhh's me. And that thing is completely covered so I really lost my sh.t scratching all over my arms. Even now as I type this I'm all arrrgghhhhh!!!!!

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer


Lol I swear I'm the same way with this monster, even now thinking about it, I want to barf! It gives me the goosebumps, what the heck?! I mean,I've watched every horror movie under the sun, but this thing makes me hide. My hubby and kids think it's funny. Glad I'm not alone!


You both probably have trypophobia, or atleast one form of it.
I also have it, but wasn't that affected by the tooth kid. So if you search trypophobia prepare yourself for much scratching and gross out. I scratch my scalp when I see the worst stuff but also do get itchy. It amazes me how the human mind (power of suggestion) and body can be debilitating-level sensitive to certain things.


I was thinking trypophobia was why this tooth monster grossed me out. It's usually been holes but then I noticed certain textures (to look at) disturb me. Lol. I can always look away.


It is usually holes that do it, but the phobia can be brought on by repeated patterns (which is what it seems is bothering you).


Yes that's it! I just found out it was some sort of Trypophobia today and my husband still finds my reaction hilarious. So to get back at him I borrowed our neighbors pet snake and he turned into the Roadrunner as I walked in with the snake draped around my neck. I swear there were flames shooting from his heels as he ran upstairs and screamed like a little girl. All was right with the world :)

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer


I wasn't affected by the tooth monster either. In fact, I laughed some the first time it appeared on the screen


I have a weird feeling that the tooth monster is going to be shared between seasons. Sort of like a link between all the stories.

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.


See I deff agree with this. When I first saw the poster with the tooth-man I thought it was slender man so I thought that since the creator didn't want to do a whole season on slender man, that maybe he would link the seasons. Now to me tooth-man and slender are pretty similar, no face, white creatures that lure and possibly eat or consume or whatever children. So I feel like he could definitely be in the background for all seasons. Maybe causing what happens.


I mostly just think he's going to be the thing that ties all the stories together because he's been used so heavily in the marketing campaign for the show so far. On top of that, he's also nowhere to be found in the original Candle Cove story 

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.


Oh God I hope not lol!

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer


Want to know something funny? On Facebook I saw a pic of a woman with most of her face made of little teeth. She was called the tooth fairy. Anyway she reminded me a lot of this tooth guy. As far as that picture goes I of course had to share and pass it on. I made a comment that if the tooth fairy was real she would probably really look like the pic and not like some pretty fairy lady kids are led to believe. I also commented that the pic made me shudder a little when I saw it lol.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.
