MovieChat Forums > Channel Zero (2016) Discussion > Why would they cast a hispanic boy as yo...

Why would they cast a hispanic boy as young Mike/Eddie?

...or a white guy as adult Mike?



Yea I raised an eyebrow at that...casting must've dropped the ball bc it makes no sense. Unless he's got some mild form of Michael Jackson pigment disorder and choose not to explain it ha..


Never picked ip on it. Never even thought about it. Does it really matter?


It never occurred to me the boy(s) were anything other than white. There are white hispanics, you know.


It doesn't really bother me, but the young Eddie/Mike definitely look to be Hispanic or Italian. Some ethnicity other than white, whereas adult Mike doesn't look the least bit ethnic.


Ahem, Italians are white. 

And the actor playing Mike is Jewish.


You can make "white" pretty broad. Maybe I should say "anglo-saxon". And many Italians have a more olive complexion compared to other "whites".

The actor playing young Mike/Eddie is Luca Villacis. I don't know what he is, but I can see how in the show one might think he was Hispanic. I thought so.

Doesn't put me off the show in any way if he is or isn't, but it just goes to show that we can see the same person differently.


Anglo-Saxon is not the definition of Caucasian. That's just ridiculous.


White, anglo, causasian, cracker, whatever. Sorry for the incorrect label. The point is that the actor playing young Mike and adult Mike look (to some of us) to be different of different ethnicity. I didn't start the thread. I just agree with the OP that they look different to me. It's not that important.


> Anglo-Saxon is not the definition of Caucasian. That's just ridiculous.

It was the definition of white.

Back in Ben Franklin's day italians (and germans, and the french, even swedes) were not white.
Here's what Ben Franklin himself had to say about it:

the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.
Benjamin Franklin, "Observations Concerning the Increasing of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, &c." (Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland, 1755)

FYI Race is not genetic. Everybody thinks race is genetic, except actual geneticists. And that's why italians have changed from non-white to white - their genes didn't change, society just started calling them white and poof! they are now white.


I think your post seems rather misleading. Taking some political extremist's views of race as representative of his time doesn't seem very sensible, especially considering that he was a contemporary of Linnæus, whose four continental races (European, Asian, African, American) are more in line with modern genetic evidence.


Lol. Do you know who Ben Franklin was? "Political extremist" or not, he's a founding father of the country - his beliefs shaped american beliefs.

His view of race is completely in line with the common beliefs about race at the time and for many years afterwards.

As for "modern genetic evidence" that's rich. I've provided one citation, but there are tons more. There are more genetic differences within such "continental races" than there is between them. Race ain't anything more than what enough people decide it is.


Those boys look white to me. Are they Hispanic? Didn't know that.


yeah never once questioned young mike/eddie were anything but white. and as someone else noted, being spanish/italian is still white lol.


Spanish from Spain is white.

"Spanish" as in Latino /Hispanic is not.


They looked pretty white to me.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


The twins do look a little darker than adult Mike. It's something I noticed but was not that distracting. The twins look like they could possibly be of mixed heritage maybe half "caucasian" and half Mexican or Spanish. In just using the Caucasian term generically. I always get curious if I can guess people's family heritage when I see them.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


Seemed totally white to me.


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


I looked at the cast and there were no twin actors. An actor by the name of Lucas Villacis played young Eddie and young mike. The last name sounds mexican or Spanish to me.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


Aníbal Villacís was from Ecuador.


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


Why ask why anything anymore? I actually didn't get that the young actor brought anything to the role except being a good actor, as opposed to the flat acting style of the actor portraying Mike. (If he was going for the creepy, serial killer disturbed vibe, then he nailed it, I suppose. I just didn't find his interpretation that interesting! Now, "Petunia Dursely"?
She was great, but the six episode format was not long enough for much character development. And, before anyone bothers, I completely understand the concept of Creepypastas; they are not WAR AND PEACE, and are meant to be short and terrifying; hit-and-run. Somewhere along the way, they were no longer short, verging on a movie/miniseries format. Truly hard to define.

Someone suggested that they should do separate stories each episode and I think that might be the problem; deciding what they are as they move the genre to life outside the internet. I am reminded of THE NIGHT GALLERY, by Rod Sterling, in the 1970's, which (though now dated by technical standards) packed a good story into a one hour time slot. They moved quickly, had great character development, and one never got the feeling that the writers ever said "oh, my God, we have to hurry this up and cram as much stuff in as possible'! Their pacing was great because they were careful not to open up too many doors that couldn't be explained in the space of one episode. Ambition is a wonderful thing, but realizing limitations is often the key to success or failure of a project. Michael Cimino, etc. are great with their stories, production values, casting, but lacked the ability to know when to quit.
