new show on syfy

i was looking at and was looking for my own show i can' wait to see and that is znation. but when i was looking on the site i saw this show call channel zero. i looked at the trailer which was very short, 45 seconds. it was different and from little i saw it might be good. some kid is in a forest and has some food in his hand and this strange looking creature whose body is all covered with what looks like spikes or what the porcupine has on its body but on this creature a lot shorter and probably can hurt. it starts sept 27th at 9 pm et.

also i am very surprise i am THE FIRST writing about a show. usually when i hear about a new show and look for it on imdb, i find out that there are a lot of reviews on these shows for sometime.

well i can't wait to see when znation starts and this show when it starts.


Its the Tooth Fairy. He (or she) is made of teeth and is eating teeth from the kids' hand! ?


not what I expected in seeing this thing ever look like a tooth fairy. not what I saw in a movie or two. on the food it was eating. I couldn't quite see what it was cause the kids hand was closed up and by the time he opened them the thing was eating them. do you know if this tooth fairy is good or evil? since it didn't show too much in the short trailer I saw.
