MovieChat Forums > Good Behavior (2016) Discussion > Does anyone love this as much as I do

Does anyone love this as much as I do

I absolutely love the show. Besides Letty, I love her mother. I think after "Downtown Abbey" this was perfect for Michelle Dockery. No other project could've shown her range, even though there're hints to Letty's behavior in Mary Crawley. If I'd known of the Letty character (hindsight) while watching DA I would've said "Yeah, I can see Michelle playing Letty. Whacha think?


I do. I love this show. I originally watched it just out of curiosity. I always watched DA and wanted to see Michelle in something totally different and more modern. I was expecting to hate it, but it's one of my favorite new shows. I too see shades of Mary in Letty. There is just something about the way she carries herself. You can see her dignity, even at her lowest points. But that might be Michelle in real life, I don't know. I can't really put it into words. Which is why I thought that "snooty" MC could never do an American, con-artist, thieving recovering drug addict. But she does it well. I believe it. I want to see Letty succeed so badly. I want to see her straighten up and get her life together and her son back. But, I also want to see her "work" and misbehave all at the same time.


I see this lasting a few seasons. I wonder if it's been renewed. I haven't googled it yet.


I agree with both above comments. I do love this show also!


I love this show like crazy and really need it to be renewed.


Blown away by this show! I knew of MD though I haven't seen a single epi of DA.
I almost didn't watch it. So glad I did. She is incredible!


I've never seen DA before but I do certainly enjoy GB. Come on season 2, 3,....



I like the show and am interested. I'm not quite at the level of "love" yet. (Right now I "love" "The Exorcist" . . . which means it will likely not be renewed.)

Jaan Pehechan Ho


I love the show, I love Michelle Dockery and I love Juan Diego Botto! Michelle and Juan have such good chemistry together. I just can't say enough.


Great show, but just after posting how people are too quick to accuse the show of having plot holes, I had a couple of problems with some parts of the narrative for episode 6.


I love the show. I started watching specifically because of Michelle Dockery, but it does have plot holes. I hope they're filled in at some time or another.


This is my new favorite tv show. I look forward to every tues night now. I love both Michelle Dockery and Juan Diego Botto. I think both are doing great at acting (last week's episode with Javier and his sister was amazing and all of Letty's personalities at the hotel were hilarious). They have the most amazing chemistry. While the show definitely has plot holes or weird decisions, I can't help but forgive it since the rest is so interesting and fresh. I especially like all the music decisions- really well placed songs that fit into the show perfectly. Sometimes tv shows I watch start to seem like chores but I go back and rewatch these episodes the same week just to let it sink in more. Hope it gets renewed!


I made sure to dvr it. Netflix won't have the first season until second season, if they pick it up. I'm already planning for a 2nd season.


ITA. I love love love this show and their chemistry together. He is hot as hell. Started watching based on previews alone since I never heard of either actor. Glad we got to see the vulnerable side of Javier tonight and him and Letty getting close again.


I love this show too!
