MovieChat Forums > Good Behavior (2016) Discussion > So nobody serves time for what they do?

So nobody serves time for what they do?

Christian Stalker is free. Since the F.B.I agent left without him although he stole money, colluded with a parole and helped her and didn't enforce her parole.

Letty never goes in to meet with her parole officer and they find out she stole money while evading parole and she is just left alone to think about turning Javier in.

Javier kills people and doesn't think he is evil and conversely thinks Letty is good and worth saving.

But the overriding theme in the show which has never been explained to me is that Sean is evil. He should be dead. He is rude and contrary but compared to Javier who literally destroys lives, Sean is a choirboy.


Letty and Javier are the antiheroes. No one played any games with us about this fact. They were presented that way to us from the very beginning. No surprises.

But the funny thing about most antiheroes is that they start out with the black hat and then work their way backwards so that other colors are filled in as the story unfolds and they become more complex than just being bad people.
At best they become people that we somehow can find a way to root for, empathize with and even relate to despite their lack of morality or whatever flaws they've been introduced with.

I don't think any of us want to see Letty or Javier go to jail (for one thing there would be no story). I think most people would favor seeing their redemption over their punishment by the legal system.
What fun would it be to see them just go to prison?

On the other hand Sean is presented through the eyes of Letty as the source of her current issues with addiction. Since she is the heart of the show than we might tend to follow her lead...although personally I'm glad Javier opted out of that contract. Letty isn't thinking clearly on the whole subject concerning her son.


Just to answer your question: No. Unreal, isn't it?! (and yes, it IS just a TV show)

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within." W. Durant


Then write better because it doesn't make sense.


Obviously Stalker isn't his last name, but he doesn't do time, as he got immunity for turning in his partner.

Letty doesn't do time, as she too got immunity in exchange for turning Javier in. True, she doesn't appear in parole meetings, but that is easily mended by declaring her to be a CI.

The show did not set up, how Javier selects to kill people. It has been hinted at, that he feels tension for being so much alike to his father, except in at least one case, he killed 2 people who ran over a child in cold blood, and covered it up. Some people feel moral justification in murdering those, who evaded criminal justice.

That's the point, as of now we don't know the exact scope as to just how evil he is besides being a dope pusher, and a generally violent person. At one point Letty references that he has the same look he had before when he got handsy, which suggests he only puts up a façade. This is exactly where even given with what we could see, Sean is by far not better, than Javier. Javier hasn't forced anyone to be with his family, and he wouldn't use close relatives to placate his supposed change. His proposal to relocate his son in order to supposedly learn the black experience is just a front, he doesn't care, that Jacob hasn't been jaded because he's half black, rather because who his mother was. Javier hasn't been entirely truthful to his family, but he does love his nieces, Sean treats his as property. When he met Jacob he spoke to his girlfriend on the phone, he inquired about the house's privacy, it made me think, if his ulterior motive wasn't to shoot porn. What of a character exactly he is will be explored in Season 2.

I live in the Gordius Apartment Complex, my interior designer was M.C. Escher.
