MovieChat Forums > Good Behavior (2016) Discussion > Letty sending the text to FBI explained

Letty sending the text to FBI explained

I think a lot of you are oversimplifying the whole situation too much and looking too much at the surface. There are many things driving her to do what she does.
I don't think Letty is that dumb. I think that Letty only sent the text so the FBI can track and get Javier back to her. Remember the phone call that happened where Javier was saying "goodbye" to Letty? Letty looked so empty when he said that. On top of that, she wanted to get her son back. So many things running through her mind. You can't deny that Letty feels something for Javier. There is a connection. I don't think she was ever really going to snitch on Javier, up until the phone call. She was about to lose the one thing that made her better. It was her only way of getting him back, even if it meant betrayal. That's what I think.
So instead of hating on what Letty did, which is understandable (don't get me wrong), but at least try to understand that there could be more to what the character is doing.


You must kick ass at yoga. So she turned him into the feds to get him back? 

Did she screw Sean for the same reason?

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson


I didn't say it was the best way, nor did I say it was a good way, nor right. I'm simply saying my guess based on her character. lol
Did you guys forget that Letty does things on impulse? With all things going on in her mind, and Javier just saying goodbye, that was (at least it's what I think) what she felt was going to get him back. Like I said, even if it meant that she betrayed him. At least he will be there and not gone and nowhere to be found.
That's what I assume is what Letty wants, aside from getting her son back of


That's a pretty destructive way to get him back. Guess we'll know on Tuesday.


she had already typed the text before he called, she just had not sent it
she could have called him and told him about the deal to give him a heads up, Christian even said even if they didn't catch him as long as she helped the FBI she could get the deal. She was not thinking of Javier, meanwhile he was super sweet to her even after knowing she slept with Sean and tossed him aside for not killing Sean.


She typed the text, yes, but she hesitated on sending it. That little hesitation makes a big difference. It's very obvious that she was at least thinking twice about sending it. At that point it was Javier and her son, but you can see that she's torn.
Anyways, I think this discussion went off. lol My initial post wasn't about whether what she did was right or wrong or whether or not she cared for Javier or not - It was about people thinking only on the surface of what Letty did and immediately judging her when we obviously do not know her HONEST AND REAL intentions for sending the text. Hence, why I gave my thoughts on it.


The real problem here, and why I don't agree with the OP, is that the narrative has gotten so implausible it ends up forcing those trying to explain it to twist like a pretzel.

If Letty really cared about Javier she would have warned him that the FBI was on his trail.


I'm with you CoolAznMan, ALL THE WAY. This was my exact read as well.


I don't think she really hesitated all that much, the call came in before she hit send


Letty sent the text to Christian not the fbi agent
