MovieChat Forums > XOXO (2016) Discussion > 'Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat' - that makes ...

'Eat. Sleep. Rave. Repeat' - that makes no sense

Am I the only one who think that? You rave after you've gone to sleep? So you're doing it in the morning? Or is it suposed to just those three things in no particular order being done throughout the day? If so then why order them like that? So idiotic. The worst part is that that is actually a line that isn't specific to this crappy movie; I've heard it outside this context in all. How does any of the idiots who go to these raves not notice how retarded that is? Sooooo dumb


Sleep all day, party all night?? Basically what it is.


So then why is it not 'sleep eat rave'?


Because you get up to eat after raving all night, then go to sleep and wake up later in the evening to rave


I don't even know why the word 'eat' is in there, coz anytime I've gone to a rave and indulged in your 'what have yous', the thought of even attempting to digest anything resembling food turns my stomach


I know the feeling.... But you have to pass over it and eat anyway because if you don't, not only you harm your body, but you'll also eventually feel like total shit if all you do is take pills after pills while you sweat and move a lot.


unless they are on drugs like meth, then there is no sleeping or eating, just raving and repeating


Eat sleep rave repeat is from a song. They are in that order because sleep is the closest to rhyming with repeat.


Since most real raves start around midnight and will last till the sun goes up most people will sleep a bit after they had dinner.


The keyword is "repeat" so when it doubles back around you get:

sounds like fun.


Yeah, if you go to a 3-day festival like EDC Vegas, that's literally all you do. You have no time for anything else. It really takes a toll on you, but it's so much fun. Then there's always those crazies that go to parties during the day at beach clubs and such and then to the festival at night- but those are a special breed.

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!


No time even for drugs?

It's that man again!!


I mean, that falls under the "rave" category...

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!
