MovieChat Forums > The Emoji Movie (2017) Discussion > Rotten Tomatoes starts at 0%

Rotten Tomatoes starts at 0%

Wow! I didn't think the reviews for a movie like this will turn out that bad.... even among top critics. Worse than Norm of the North so far, as animated films go.

Also I never understood this movie's target audience. Was this movie trying to pass off as a kids' film? I don't think a lot of small kids even use or own phones. Phones and apps aren't toys. So I don't see how they could really relate to this movie. Social media obsessed teens+ will likely roll their eyes against this movie for its pandering nature too. I guess it would also depend on how that crowd may feel about animated films in addition. It doesn't seem to have a clear target audience to me.


Well I didn't see the movie but the main concept is completely idiotic.


Sausage Party looks better than this cancer.


I think 0% just means that there is no consensus yet. It will not end up at zero.


3% now.

1 fresh review, 28 rotten

Average rating of 2.2/10


dafuq? lol i thought this would be bad but its getting absolutely destroyed in 99% of reviews online.
