Will it remain fresh on RT?

It's at 62% now and continuing to drop. This is only wit 89 reviews in. I'm hoping it can stay in the 60% range but it's not looking good.

More telling is that, in contrast, Deadpool 2 is at 87% and RISING with many more reviews in.

Obviously this is A thread AIMED at Queen....


^ queen made this thread just minutes after reviews hit for SOLO...

I find it quite funny that Jurassic World 2 now hits to worse reviews than SOLO....Yet because Queen Is PRO Jurassic World 2/Universal....Queen didnt quickly run out and make a thread asking "Will it remain Fresh" and then Suggest its "not looking good"

But With all seriousness....

Things arent looking to good for JW2....with reviews like this, It seems the 130 to 140 Million dollars OW tracking may hold true, which would be a Stunning and near 60 to 77 Million dollars drop from JW1


Bill Brown being his normal squishy self, straddling the fence on JW2. You just said last week that this could actually open HIGHER than JW2 but that you don't think it will. Talk about vague.

Even if it does only open to 130-40 million that will still be more than Solo made for it's entire first week. Also, it will be higher than anything that will come out for the rest of the summer.


it's rising again. now 71% fresh.


Yeah...it looks like it's safely in the "fresh zone" with this many reviews counted.


Haha, nope.


Not surprised. JP/JW is just the latest franchise the critics have their knives out for. Last year it was POTC.


I see why critics were against the POTC since that franchise was milked to death and the previous titles weren't that good. But not with the JW. After just one movie in we're having a Jurassic fatigue? Not likely. Perhaps the movie isn't all that good to begin with? It's easier to say critics have an agenda rather to admit the problem is with the crew behind the movie itself. I'm sure Solo has its issues too but I'd find it more believable a certain portion of the critics/audience was influenced by The Last Jedi, but with JW2 there wasn't any group that felt attacked with the JW1 to be lashing out on the sequel.


It's like the critics have the reviews backwards for JW1 and 2. This was a little bit better, which also puts it ahead of JP2 and 3. The score is too low for being the second best Jurassic Park movie. It sounds more like RT got too much backlash for their JW1 rating and so they turned up the negativity for this one.


It's called novelty factor. When the last dino flick came out more than a decade ago you'll be less harsh about the faults. It's not just RT btw, other sites have a mediocre rating for JW2 too.
