Confusing sizes?

did anyone else find it hard to believe that all these dinosaurs fit into trucks and into the castle?
even a brachiosaur or apatosaur?

somehow the film made these dinosaurs appear smaller than in previous installments.


There was no brachiosaur in de mansion. It was a huge mansion. I don't think that size was a problem, maybe they targeted the younger dinosaurs from each species to make it fit. Its also more profitable to sell the younger ones because they will live longer. Just like we sell puppies and kittens.


no brachio, but another "long neck", probably an apatosaur (even two of them, one bigger and a smaller one).


yeah that was an apato, but those are smaller. And they could be young ones. You still have to suspend some disbelieve sure.


I found it hard to believe that one dinosour fit in the latter shoot to the point that it could stick its snout through the hatch. I found it hard to believe that the main dinosour could fit in that narrow hall when chasing that girl and seemed to fit through her bedroom window. It seemed so much bgger when it was down stairs.
