MovieChat Forums > Baskin (2016) Discussion > Has anybody actually found a way to view...

Has anybody actually found a way to view this?

Obviously saw the trailer which piqued my interest, and read that it was shown at some film festivals. However cannot find anymore information, like if it will be released in actual pictures or an online link to watch. Seems strange to build up so much interest with an engaging trailer but now disappear into obscurity


I've read on their Facebook site that it is being released by IFC on March 25th in North America. Not sure where you are from, but I hope this helps.


It had one successful screening at Stockholm International Film Festival so it was recently released on demand in Sweden. Decided to watch it and I was surely not disappointed! You can rent it on demand too but there are only Swedish subtitles available:


Amazon instant video. It's also playing at the IFC in NYC.


Played at Gateway Film Center in Columbus, Ohio today. An arthouse indie theater.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative



You got used to Hollywood too much. Most indie movies have this path. They make the movie, they then fall into "obscurity" for general public, as they go around movie festivals. After they gathered some feedback, they received some awards, they got some reviews, they are releasing the movie on DVD. If the reaction it's negative, they might never release it.

Anyway, Baskin was already released pretty much everywhere. Google Play, iTunes, Amazon.


Watching it now via streaming Netflix. Became available yesterday.


Watching it now for free, via Kodi. Not all that thrilled with it, to be frank, kind of boring, but I'm going to stick it out, hoping it gets better. Decided to watch it because it's from Turkey and I love foreign films, but the pacing is at the speed of a glacier and nothing is happening. We'll see.

Check out Kodi, by the way, it's how I found Baskin, it's free to download and you can get tons of content, films, TV shows, documentaries, all for free. This is their official site:
