MovieChat Forums > The Ranch (2016) Discussion > Funny show filthy language.

Funny show filthy language.

Why the need for the fword every 3rd line in the show is way too trashy.


I dont like that either, the laughing is less annoying than the constant cursing. I'm not a prude, I don't mind cursing but the way it's used here reminds me of Jr high kids using foul language and thinking they're bad ass.


I totally agree!!


I'm no prude at all, and that language typically doesn't bother me at all. But it doesn't seem to fit here. You've got a show that is basically a light sitcom, complete with the camera set up, casting, story and laugh track, but then you throw in some pretty R rated language. It's...jarring. I don't mind it, but I don't see it as necessary either, especially from Sam Elliott and Debra Winger. Just feels kind of forced.

Whores will have their trinkets.


Its just a word... its not that big of a deal. Maybe go watch Dora the Explorer


Some working class people cuss a lot. Get over it. They're just words.(fill in list of 7 dirty words you cannot say on television here) Carlin told us 40 years ago. They're just words. If you're offended by words, you really need to reevaluate your place in this world, because there's a whole lot of other things that you should be focusing on fixing, first.
