Oh So Scary

THIS Show is to Television what Trump is to Politic. Oh God No.


You mean fresh and a nice change of pace from the same run of the mill *beep* superhero/reality crap that's been on for the last 5 or so years?
Well I agree, nice for a change!

As for television, mate, how old are you? You mean Netflix. "This show is to Netflix" and again, I agree, it's fun, lighthearted and a nice change of pace with real laughs unlike the plethora of utter tripe that has been filling the networks over the last 5 or so years.

We can be friends if you like!

.....splashing noises......."here fishy fishy fishy"....


It is a nice change of pace. Don't compare it to what is happening in politics. We really enjoyed the show, made us laugh. Better than some of the crap on regular TV.


How so? Will this tv show reduce crime and improve relations with nations that actually matter, like Russia?

Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad


Crime rates in the U.S. have been dropping since the early 90s. Please don't let Trump take credit for that.

