MovieChat Forums > Sneaky Pete (2015) Discussion > Stupid plot hole (kitty litter)

Stupid plot hole (kitty litter)

Kitty litter is not radioactive.
There was a case of used kitty litter being radioactive, but that was due to the kitty in question receiving a radioactive dose from the vet. The litter itself was not radioactive.

Kitty litter can be used to soak up nuclear waste (just don't get the organic kind):
But again, this does not mean the litter itself is radioactive.

Another issue, although that isn't a plot hole because it can be explained by character ignorance, is that a Geiger counter cannot confirm the presence of uranium ore. Many things can cause elevated background radiation. For example, the radioactivity in the used kitty litter in the above story was due to I-131, a very different element.


It's a TV show.

That rug really tied the room together.


So? We are not supposed to note and point out stupid plot holes and lazy writing just because it's a TV show?


That's not a plot hole, it's just a factual mistake.


Thank you for this!

The constant misuse and overuse of both 'plot hole' and 'jump the shark' on IMDB has gotten out of control lately.

People on here should have to take a basic test before they can post.


It is a plot hole because without it the plot would not work.


That's not what a plot hole is.

There's this awesome website where you can fact-check things like this before you post. Can't remember what it's called but I think it rhymes with "oogle." Just sayin'.




It would only be a plot hole if somewhere in the story they find out that kitty litter isn't radioactive. In whatever reality Sneak Pete takes place in, kitty litter is radioactive, so this does not cause a hole in the plot. It is, however, a factual mistake, like the myth that we only use 10% of our brains, or that detainees have the right to make a single phone call, or that you have to keep the bad guy on the phone long enough for a trace to go through when in reality they are instant, or that DNA can be preserved in amber for 65 million years; these things are not true, but they are myths that drive plots.


Well *beep* me, this show is awful to me now. I'm going to Men In Black flashy thing myself to forget I ever watched it! Seriously, how did it feel to research kitty litter?


How does it feel to be an idiot?


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Kitty litter would cause an uptick on a Geiger counter.
