MovieChat Forums > Sneaky Pete (2015) Discussion > Bollywood guy cheating or not?

Bollywood guy cheating or not?

Was he really cheating or did Eddie make that up even though Marius said Eddie wasn't part of the plan. I got confused there along the way.

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IIRC Eddie's role in the 'fake' long-con began when he was approached by Karolina, just before Vince enlists his help to catch the cheater. Since it turns out Bollywood was never in on anything, he was simply an FBI informant who happened to be a great poker player. One whom gained an unimaginable stroke of 'luck' once Eddie started stacking the deck his way while calling him a cheater at the same time.

So no, not cheating.


So why did he accuse him of cheating ... to stall Vince?

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Short Answer: Exactly. He truly believes he's been playing his part all along.

The only part of the Con that Eddie wasn't in on was the REAL Long-Con. That small part of it all where Bollywood is actually an innocent player who winds up getting shot, even though Karolina had guarded against the fallout by placing him on a threat watch-list prior.


The question would then become... If he wasn't cheating prior to Eddie's involvement, how did Marius/Karolina know that he would win enough to allow for Karolina to go to Vince with suspicion?


Karolina just told Vince he was winning more. I don't think he actually was. Vince thought that he'd have a big night here and there. Karolina said that he was coming out way ahead. It was just a lie to raise Vince's suspicions and get him to call in Eddie to find the cheat.


Exactly. And that's the point, Vince just needed to believe it. Whether it was true or not is irrelevant.

Personally, I believe Bollywood was actually a pretty awesome Holdem player who they spotted early and took advantage of, but that's besides the point.

Either way, as you said, the point was to raise Vince's suspicions and it worked.


The English women con actually confirmed the vetting of the card player when they were explaing the long con to Eddie. She said they looked for a really good player that would get under Vince's skin and having the FBI protecting him was a bonus.


having the FBI protecting him was a bonus.

It was not the bonus at all. It was the whole point of the sting.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


No it wasn't. While driving the van they say to Eddie, they needed a "handle" who could get under Vince's skin. They use a guy named Tate to scout and he finds the billionaire guy. Then he finds out he's a federal informant and his bodyguard is FBI.
Had the player not been an informant they would have still used him (or some other player) to get under Vince's skin. So it was a bonus that they could involve the FBI, but had it not been the case the con would have proceeded.



He was not cheating and had no idea what was going down.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene
