MovieChat Forums > Sneaky Pete (2015) Discussion > All you guys complaining about the lack ...

All you guys complaining about the lack of burn card

This was intentional, it is a TV show! Obviously the writers know how to play Hold'em---you did not catch something they missed. Probably 90% of the viewers wouldn't know about burn cards. If a burn card was included in the script, either they would have to insert some very awkward expositional about burn cards, or Vince's "proof" would confuse the majority of viewers.

Even if you fine with most viewers being confused by the burn card (because that makes poker players "elite"), they would still have to change Vince's culminating line to: "If this card AFTER THE NEXT is a Jack of Spades, you all were trying to *beep* me!" Doesn't quite have the same ring.

So please just give it up:

-You are not better poker players than the writers
-You are not more detail-oriented than the writers
-You certainly are not better at writing television episodes



Hear, hear...

I'm the decider, and I decide what is best.


How do you know that posters on here aren't more detail oriented or better at writing TV episodes?


Fine, they might be, but their "clever" little burn card observation does not establish that.


I agree. I know nothing about poker so I didn't cop it. complainers trying to show off how much they know about poker but it's not a documentary and it wasn't written for ppoker players. does this count as poetic license?


I disagree it would have been hard to explain. Instead of saying "If the next card", Vince could have worded "If the river card". In fact that dialogue may have even played out better. In terms if the physical side of it, just showing him do the burn himself, then flip the jack of spades out onto the table as the river would have worked perfectly fine.

That said, I couldn't give 2 stuffs if there was a burn or not and I've played my fair share of hold 'em in my time. I just don't let minor crap like that ruin an otherwise excellent show.


what's a burn card

Lee's Daniel's' THe Butler'
