MovieChat Forums > Sneaky Pete (2015) Discussion > Ep10...What a ride,loved it

Ep10...What a ride,loved it

Hoping for a season 2

8.5/10 for me


Hell yea, loved the final two eps. I think we'll definitely see a second season, or at least they certainly set it up for one to come. I think the show will become quite popular once everyone sees all of the first season.

I admit I had my doubts somewhere round the midseason mark, I wasn't quite sure how exactly I felt about it, but it finished extremely well with some really perfectly set up scenes. I really felt for grandpa Otto towards the end, the guy was truly at wits end and I'm glad they didn't go dark on us, I mean I love twisted dark humor like the best of them, but the light nature of the show was a plus imo.

I started rating the first six episodes at 8/10 then a couple 9/10 and the last two 10/10 so I guess my average would be around a 8.7/10, feels about right.

I've found that binging a great series to be unparalleled to any film or some show you only watch week to week. As far as visual media goes these things are like the crown jewels to me. You immerse yourself into the story and miss the characters at the end.

My one gripe and I don't think I'm alone on this, but season two would do well to either keep Cranston at a minimum or keep him out of it all together. Everyone else was great, but he was awful imo. Sure in BrBa he was god, but in this show no such thing. What did you think of him in this?


I really thought Otto was going to shoot himself. Would have been crazy. As for Cranston I thought he was *beep* awesome.


I'm thinking Vince going to jail for 20 years was a way for Cranston to dip out of the Series altogether (as an actor I mean). I've got a feeling he only took a role on the show to get it on it's feet and to add to its chance of success.

Ofc we may see him in some capacity (running hijinx from jail) but I highly doubt it will be anything but minimal from here on out.

Just my thoughts.


The good thing about the finale was Amazon hedged their bets. If there is no second season this is perfectly justifiable. Every character (except "Pete") got their happy ending.

If there is a Season 2, we have the premise already. Pete will work with the family to steal the money that the tribe is laundering to pay off the debt.


Every character (except "Pete") got their happy ending.

Really? Did you really not get that that was an UNBELIEVABLE ending for Marius? Unless you meant the actual Pete, in which case your use of quotes was not only wrong but a source of confusion.


Maybe I misinterpreted the final scene, but doesn't Marius have to find a way to come up with 11 million dollars to give to them? If so, how is that possibly a good thing?


No, you didn't misinterpret anything. This guy seems to only have a tentative grasp on this show for sure. He's all over these boards ranting about the weirdest crap.

When we hang out under bridges, eh.

As to your original comment, I agree. That would be the backbone of a great plot. And it would almost set up S3 where he would need to scam someone else in order to pay Chayton's tribe back.

However, I hope they don't go this route. The first season was able to blow my mind a little with the twists, and I hope they can do it all again next season.


Listen Tommy Boy, what are you not getting?

Do you not see the glint in Marius' eye when he realized these buffoons wants him to take him to PETE's mother in order to "give them" (translation: Marius' dupes them and scores) 11 million dollars?

Do you people not understand that Marius is Ferris Bueller? That he's the smartest guy in the room ALWAYS? That he will NEVER lose (especially when given time to prepare)?

It's the whole point of the show!


Feel free to refer to my response to this jabroni tommy boy for enlightenment.

And if you still don't see the light, then feel free to never watch a tv show again.

Thank you for your time.

Carry on.


I rarely rate any movie or TV show 10/10, but I rated this season finale 10/10. I found some of the middle episodes to be draggy, but things picked up nicely towards the final episodes and the finale just nailed it. One of the best season/series (if it turns out to be that) I've ever watched.

One question, though. Was anyone else surprised/disappointed that Marius didn't do the family the courtesy of revealing who he really was? That was the only thing about the finale that left me cold. Everything else was brilliant. Cuz one day the real Pete's gonna show up and they'll be like: "'re not PETE! WTH?!!!"

"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in." -- Will Rogers


Agree. It was a great show.

I rated it a 9 after about 6 episodes. I would give it a 9.5 for the last two but ofc we are stuck with whole numbers.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene
