MovieChat Forums > Sneaky Pete (2015) Discussion > Where are the remaining episodes?

Where are the remaining episodes?

I loved the pilot, of course I will give absolutely anything with Giovanni Ribisi a try. He does not disappoint ??
But how the hell do they have one episode while indicating a full season with no clarification of when the remaining episodes will be available?!
Honestly, I am so impatient that I wouldn't have watched this first episode if I knew I'd have to wait for the rest, obviously with a teaser of Ribisi as a con man I'm gonna fall in love! ? ???


No kidding! I just signed up for Prime and blew through all episodes of Goliath immediately so I looked for something else to binge on. I watched Sneaky Pete, based on Ribisi and Cranston (obviously), and then couldn't find anything else! I've read some things about some of the original writers/producers ? having left, but come on already! It's going on 2017. What the hell?


If you go to the Amazon page for Sneaky Pete, it says

"New Episodes Coming Soon
Based on voting from Amazon customers like you, new episodes of this show are coming soon."

Also, if you check Giovanni Ribisi's IMDb profile, he's been filming SP episodes. Same for the others who played in the pilot.

"Come to the dark side. We have cookies."


I completely agree with you. Amazon dropped the ball as far as communicating when/if further episodes are coming.

I loved the pilot episode only to find nothing else except the generic, non-specific statement that "Further episodes are coming". When?? How many?? The pilot aired in 2015 and still no new episodes in late 2016??

They should have said "New episodes coming in early 2017" or something like that.

Like you, I would not have watched the pilot episode if I new nothing more was coming for a long time, if ever.


All 10 episodes of season 1 are now available

