

1 - there's a few soldiers getting shot and bombed by planes but you'll never see any blood nor dismemberment. There's a reason it's PG13.



Absolutely not. I stand by my 1-rating :)

People do die in this movie, though. It's just not bloody at all.


It doesn't really give u a good sense of war as reviewz suggest bec war is rated R, not pg13


It's not a movie about war. It's a movie about survival.


If it's a movie about survival, why they included the pilots whose actually fighting for OTHERS. This movie was PG-13 because young girls can also go and watch it to see "One Direction" singer solider... more money...


I only said "oh sh$t!" once. Not very violent at all

Ps. Hacksaw Ridge's violence was a cartoonish cgi fest.


It's violent enough.
