MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > One major flaw. (Spoilers of course)

One major flaw. (Spoilers of course)

I don't care about the "She should have done this or that" scenarios since not everyone thinks or behaves the same sitting in the comfort of their home, than if they were put in a real situation like this. What I do care about is how the killer got in the back of her in the bathtub when the only access in, was the door, that she was looking straight at, or the side window. Since she was staring at the door the entire time, then we know it wasn't that way. And the side window can't work either because she could see anyone entering it, in her peripheral vision since her sight and feel are the only things she got going for her. Most definitely, the guy's body would have obstructed the moonlight and created shadows that would be brought to her attention. Now the only thing I can think of is either she dozed off for a few seconds which it didn't show as her eyelids at most, opened and closed slowly, and I don't like to assume here, or that her focus was off except for on that door because of her fatigue and blood loss which was indicated with her dreamy like gaze. Any thoughts?

Aside from that one scene, I thought it was pretty good. Realistic and nothing done there that couldn't happen in the real world.


there was most definitely a window directly behind her as she sat on the floor. you can see glass falling behind her in slow mo from him smashing through it. the problem i had with that scene was, yes she was suffering from blood loss, but there is NO way she wouldn't have felt/sensed him smashing his way into that room not even a foot away from her.


I thought I saw one too originally when she first went in but I took a closer look and I'm sure it's a little round mirror and not a window. But it didn't show much of it, just a little over half of it. Seems much too small to be a window. It's possible I suppose.


What else could it be falling though?


Yeah I guess it was supposed to be glass falling behind her. Just there actually should have been a window shown there without question, and not just the side larger window. Never heard of a bathroom with two windows anyway. But I swear that's really a round mirror behind her. Should have been done better as a whole IMO.


It wasn't directly behind her it was up and to the left of her.. Had yellow blinds.


Ok thanks. If I ever get a chance to see that part again, I'll look out for it. Cheers.


You could also see two legs sliding down the wall over her shoulder, but just for a second. It was easy to miss.


You're right. I can see the window's glass falling, followed by one of his legs lowering. The problem I had with all of this is How did he know where she was and to come through THAT window. Wasn't it frosted or something?


He could have noticed her walking in that direction from where he was at the front door. He could have just got lucky too as he quickly checked the windows. Not sure if it was frosted though.


He probably saw the direction she ran off to. Also there's the larger window in the bathroom where he saw her attempting to pull the crossbow earlier. He probably saw her there where the upper window was visible as well and decided that it's better to go through that way. Smashing the bigger side window would have definitely alerted her.


I didn't see glass falling as he descended, but assumed it to be pieces of dry-wall or suspended ceiling, since he access the room from above, and not the side.
Breaking glass behind her, he'd have no control over how far it would fly into the room, I don't think he'd take that chance.
Now, an amused chortle is different.

We've met before, haven't we?


But a little bit ridiculous to be hanging from up there when he could have popped out at her any time from anywhere. He was outside from what I remember so can't see him going through all that trouble and some how climb to the ceiling.


he came through the skylight window, one of those windows that's on the ceiling. that's why you see glass falling. what's stupid about this scene is that all the glass falls behind and around her, and none actually fall ON her


She's in the first floor bathroom--there is no skylight window. (I'm like 99% sure the bathroom is in the main body of the house, but even if it isn't we see most of the roof when they are both up there and there really doesn't appear to be any kind of skylight). If you watch the earlier scene where she is in the bathroom taking care of her injury, you can see that the only light is coming from the window on the left side of the screen. If there were a skylight, you'd think there would be some light coming from above.

There is a hexagonal-ish window right above and behind the bathtub. He breaks out the glass completely so that he can get through it. The glass falls into the bathtub.

I mean, I don't think it's possible to say for certain (we never see that there definitely isn't a skylight; we never see a shot of the broken window), but it seemed immediately apparent to me when I watched it the first time that he'd come through the window behind the bathtub.


Now the only thing I can think of is either she dozed off for a few seconds which it didn't show as her eyelids at most, opened and closed slowly, and I don't like to assume here, or that her focus was off except for on that door because of her fatigue and blood loss which was indicated with her dreamy like gaze. Any thoughts?
you sort of answered your own question there. It seemed pretty clear that she either blacked out or couldn't see for a moment and that's when he must have came in.

What are words for when no one listens anymore


I thought it was behind her (dunno, maybe I wasn't looking right). However, I do agree there was at least something wrong with that scene. The movie makers are telling me that if you are in a bathroom and shards of glass are falling directly behind you, you aren't going to feel the change in temperature or maybe small pieces of glass or maybe a sudden gust from the force being produced by the shattering of the window? It was right behind her. She's deaf, not a vegetable.


Yeah, I agree. The smallest vibration of him dropping down would also alert her.
