MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > The one part that freaked me out the mos...

The one part that freaked me out the most...

... Is the first kill in the movie with the neighbor because he kept on stabbing her over and over and over again. That made me sick and nervous. I wanted to bash his brains in.


I know it was brutal! I loved it way more before he took the mask off. It was way creepier.


I think it was creepier after he took his mask off. Once he did that, he became much less alien and seemed like he could be just any random guy that you went to high school with. With so many disfigured and monstrous horror movie villains out there like Jason Vorhees and Leatherface, its almost scarier when the bad guy is someone fairly normal looking.


I agree!


Men that kill like that usually do so because they have difficulties with sexual performance.


Men who kill for a reason that is somehow linked to sexual performance usually involve a sexual element to the murder or the aftermath. That was not the case in this film.
This killer was all about the hunt and feeling powerful as he took a life.


I felt like the whole staging of the killing was the sexual element--the way that she was pinned to the wall and the angle of the stabbing (not overhand downward but pushing up and into her). Even the movement of his body had a sexual look to it, IMO.

Plus, we don't know what else might have happened after her death considering that he gets distracted by seeing Maddie and realizing that she is deaf.

I got the sense that his anger was fueled by a feeling of powerlessness--wanting to be dominant. Whether that came from a sense of sexual inadequacy or just in general from not being as in control of his life as he wanted . . . that's hard to say.


I felt like the whole staging of the killing was the sexual element--the way that she was pinned to the wall and the angle of the stabbing (not overhand downward but pushing up and into her). Even the movement of his body had a sexual look to it, IMO.

Yes, the last few stabs were definitely shown as if he was having intercourse.

