MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > My issues with this movie

My issues with this movie

She can feel the vibrations of her fire alarm and the vibration of her cell phone, but she could not feel the vibrations of her friend banging on her window?

It took her 10 minutes to first get a knife, then she ditches the knife later for no reason. She leaves the house during her first attempted escape but forgets to take a knife with her.

When her neighbor is dying and choking the killer out, rather than going outside to help kill him with ease, she goes and hides in a room then starts to go through some incredibly complicated planning and thought process which eventually leads her to realize she needs to kill him.

She tends to hide in rooms a lot and loses sight of the guy which I would think is her number one priority since she cannot hear.

The killer had a hammer go through his forearm, yet he can move that arm and hand perfectly throughout the rest of the movie.

The amount of easy opportunities she had to kill him was frustrating.

There was no twist in the movie which I was hoping for. The movie had a lot of potential but had terrible writing and planning.

I suspect because the main actress was also one of two main writers, she did not get much "feedback" or "review" on her work.


I totally agree with ALL your points the friend banging on the door is the most retarded thing I ever seen, when tho you can't hear you still have eyes in the head and its not like you can only see like right in front of you, she walks past the *beep* door like she is blind... I'm so mad about this movie.

Also I kind'a end up hating the main character for being dumb as hell... And causing others to die..



The kitchen alone is filled with dozens of potential weapons.

I would have started throwing canned goods out the window. And it's not only until the end she grabs the bug spray? SO STUPID. hated this dumb movie.


I will check out Absentia!

I agree with the "movie logic" but I think there was "too much" bad logic. There should be a balance of dumb logic to keep the film going but not so much that the writing becomes that weak.

Great starting premise though, I like the idea of it. Reminds me of "The Strangers"


"movie logic" (if people don't do dumb things, there is no movie)

If a character needs to behave in a completely dumb/unrealistiv way to advance the plot, then the movie is poorly written. As simple as that.


It started out kind of good, somewhat of a new spin on the intruder in a house storyline by making the victim deaf. But by the end it turns into another typical horror flick with sloppy writing and dumb decisions. She flip flops between smart and brave, or stupid and cowardly, depending on what the poorly done script called for at the moment.

The kitchen made us angry too, it's one of the many things that made no sense. Like when the killer throws his crossbow on the roof he knows she's on. What the hell was that. Had it kept up the interesting premise it could have been an 8-9, but instead it ends at about a 6 and is a let down overall...


The roof scene irritated me too. She could have stabbed him easily with an arrow right when he was crawling up the roof. I understand that horror movies have to have some dumb logic to keep the movie going, but this was "too much" dumb logic. There has to be a balance.


Yes, the issue with the vibrations threw me off. Vibrations from banging on glass is much easier to "feel" than a phone halfway across the room, and her lack of sixth sense, which is usually even more heightened when you're deaf, was unrealistic to me. I can feel when someone's entered a room and/or is standing behind me, for goodness sake.


She didn't feel the phone. The phone doesn't even vibrate. It flashes a light, and she sees the light.

From personal experience, my mother has a small amount of hearing loss, and she's ridiculously easy to sneak up on.


He also had his fingers slammed in the window and was nearly brutally choked to death. Basically his arms and hands should be useless by now.

Just one of those movies where the bad guy shrugs off injuries in a couple of minutes like he had a month to heal up. Poor writing but common for horror movies.

What a lovely way to burn...


Speaking about the neighbor, he saw earring, could've gotten him then, instead of playing this game of gonna-use-rock-to-head.

She can read lips? The hell is her friends signing with her on FaceTime?

Not having motivation for killer isn't "hip" it's ruthlessly stupid. These people are brazen enough to believe they earned that right.

The laziness of this movie is the defense that no one knows what they would do in this situation, so they milk it to the bitter end.

So everyone is murdered and she survives. Yet, she smiles. Guess she's going to be the next psycho killer? Or happy to be living? Or....god this movie sucks.


Guess she's going to be the next psycho killer?

I derived that she was happy because she no longer had writer's block - she had a perfect story

wab-3 = Dengal/vans johnson/b profane/SNL fan/Film/Carmudgen - who else?


If you had a deaf friend and you knew sign language you really wouldn't use it?


Does anyone remember the movie Mute Witness? This was like late 90s I think but she had a computer system set up to call numbers and could type stuff and it would speak for her. So she called the police...only thing is it was set in Russia and she could only speak that's why her call wasn't so successful...but what I'm trying to say is, here's a girl living on her own in the woods and doesn't have technology like this? Couldn't she have called the police from her computer? She could have face timed her ex. Instead of writing on her stupid manuscript the killers description she could have been sending an email at least...
The answer to the cross bow in the roof...I think he thought she was dead already... But yes she should have stabbed him in the eye when he came up... Also. Wry slack of her for not helping her neighbour who was still trying to save her sorry ass while he was bleeding out! Also when she stabbed him in the bathroom why did she stop and run away? Keep stabbing!! Hahaha.


I agree. This woman is quite stupid that half way through the movie I was rooting for the guy to kill her. And I knew unfortunately that she was going to survive anyway.

I'll add more unbelievable stupidity. When she activated the alarm of her car, she had the opportunity to escape at the back, she could have easily fit through that window. Instead, she thought it was more necessary to find her dead friend's phone, which may or may not be on the dead girl's body. Had she leave and closed the window behind, the killer would be none the wiser. Thinking she's still inside hiding, it would take him quite some time to figure out she's already gone. By then, she already reached a neighbor's house.

Another one is when she saw her friend's boyfriend holding a huge rock in his back. that should have clued her in that he knows what was going on and should not have distracted the guy. Instead, she chose to distract the guy which had him killed. Talk about her bad timing as well. Had she been late distracting him for a few seconds, her problem would have probably been solved without her doing anything. It's like she's sabotaging herself from being killed.

Another one, when she shot him with an arrow (in the shoulder of course coz she wouldnt want to kill him) she removed the other arrow from its socket like she can reload in 2 seconds when it took her like 10 minutes to reload the 1st one. She ended up dropping it of course which had him stumping on her deformed hand.


I completely disagree.
Would you run into woods if you know a killer is outside? She had great idea to get the phone and call 911. Unfortunately killer was smart ass too. When she discover that phone is missing it was too late to escape.

The friend and the rock - are you sure you would notice in such situation a rock? It was night, dark, they were standing more than 10 meters from her. The friend obviously kept the rock to be less visible. And she wasn't staring at them, she was surprised by the situation and she react instinctively. Too bad for her. I was angry she did not go outside to help the friend. Maybe she wasn't sure if the friend is able to keep the killer, maybe she was scared too much to go outside for confrontation.

What I really dislike is how the killer react for injuries - he was hit by the hammer... He was shoot in the chest or arm... Yet, he was able to pull the arrow out and run and fight. That was plain stupid.


I completely disagree.
Would you run into woods if you know a killer is outside? She had great idea to get the phone and call 911. Unfortunately killer was smart ass too. When she discover that phone is missing it was too late to escape.

Considering there's a killer outside who CAN enter the house at will, yes, running away from the house when you have an opportunity to do so is a very good idea. Staying? dumb idea. And it's not a forest. There are houses nearby. Clues are when a neighbor girl was killed in front of her house, and the BF of that girl coming to her house.

The friend and the rock - are you sure you would notice in such situation a rock? It was night, dark, they were standing more than 10 meters from her. The friend obviously kept the rock to be less visible.

No. check the scene again. He was on the verge of hitting the guy with a rock, she should have gotten a clue if she had some intelligence in her. And he was hiding the rock from the killer, not from her. So it was quite visible from the back. it was a huge light colored rock.


He was on the verge of hitting the guy with a rock, she should have gotten a clue if she had some intelligence in her.

I agree, but also what did she expect? The killer is right there next to him, does she think he won't see her try to warn the guy? And what does she think he will do when he sees she is trying to warn him? And he does exactly that. Then when they are fighting, why is she just looking not doing a dang thing to help the other guy? It was a great opportunity, while the killer was getting choked. She does so many stupid things. But I guess if she didn't the movie would be very short.

Another thing that bothered me a little, can't deaf, and even mute, people make some sounds? Moan for example. I don't mean only when the killer was right there and she was hiding, but in general she never makes any sound.


I agree. This woman is quite stupid that half way through the movie I was rooting for the guy to kill her


Would you run into woods if you know a killer is outside? She had great idea to get the phone and call 911. Unfortunately killer was smart ass too. When she discover that phone is missing it was too late to escape.

Agreed. Running through the woods would generate a lot of noise (and she'd only be able to guess at how loud she was being), and unless she's looking back over her shoulder every two seconds she'd have no way of knowing how close behind her he was.

I completely understand why all of her instincts were to hole up in the house and hope for rescue. I think that it's really easy to berate the main character for being "stupid", but the fact is that when you are vulnerable and frightened, it can be hard to make the "smart" decision in the moment. And especially considering that she believes that if he gets the chance he will kill her.

I think that if she had gone out the door immediately after the killer started fighting with the neighbor, the two of them could have possibly overpowered him together. But she was too shocked. And then she sees them grappling on the ground, but she also knows that the neighbor's throat was cut. The neighbor tells her to run, she probably wants to help him, her leg is badly injured---it all adds up to her not being able to do the "right" thing in the moment.

I actually understood her mentality pretty well. She wants to be on the defensive, not the offensive. She's not wanting to anger him, only to defend herself.

And to the earlier person who said she was dumb for writing a description of the killer instead of getting back on Facetime: her internet was down. All of her communication needs (phone, internet, electricity) were taken away.
