Lol at the killer

Wetting his pants when John shows up. He's immediately intimated and admits it himself.

Must have been the nerd at high school who got slapped around by jocks like John.


I think that the killer's sense of inadequacy is probably largely what motivates his murders.

I also thought it was interesting that when Maddie is typing up her description of the killer on her computer, she says he is "short." Depending on where you look, average height for American men is like 5'9"/5'10" which is how tall the actor playing the killer is.

In a lot of movies, when the victims try to fight back, the killers will get this satisfied smile like "Yeah--a challenge!". But every time Maddie scores a hit, the guy is genuinely upset about it. He's not interested in a fair fight--he just wants to dominate.


I thought the "short" comment was about his hair. She also wrote that he was 5'9...

That is my opinion, it is mine and belongs to me, and I own it and what it is, too.


Ah--that had not occurred to me. Just went back to rewatch that one part and you're totally right.

I had misremembered her as writing "male, short, green eyes, brown hair" and then the stuff about the tattoo, but rewatching it she is clearly saying that he has short brown hair.

Though I still think that it's interesting that he is not toweringly tall and bulky like many movie killers--the actress playing Maddie is 5'8", so it's interesting to see a killer and "victim" who stand about the same height.


He was so sick. Who terrorizes a deaf woman? I seriously wanted to kill him myself.


He was so sick. Who terrorizes a deaf woman?

As opposed to terrorizing a hearing woman?

From different reactions that he has in the beginning of the movie, it seems like he is surprised that she is deaf, and that he didn't target her specifically for that reason.


Yes, obviously it is sick either way. But it tends to be even more so when that person has a disability. He figured it out, and then carried out a morbid game, hanging outside her house all night.


I wasn't trying to get at you--it was just something about your phrasing made it sound like her being deaf was what crossed the line into "sick" territory, when early in the movie we watched the killer brutally stab a non-disabled woman to death (and then use her corpse as a puppet!). I also just came from a thread in a different movie where some posters were trying to argue that a man who had kidnapped a woman and chained her up wasn't "that bad" because it was implied that he did not want to sexually assault her. So I was feeling a bit salty when I wrote my post--sorry if it came off too sarcastic or abrupt.

And I know what you mean about the fact that attacking someone who is more vulnerable (elderly, a child, disabled, ill, etc) comes across as more wrong. I've worked with vulnerable populations before (children and people with disabilities), and the thought of someone taking advantage of them or causing violence to them is tremendously upsetting.

In a way, though, I think that it all goes perfectly well with this killer's MO, namely that he is NOT interested in a fair fight. He's not looking for worthy adversaries.


Oh, you don't have to apologize. :)


Well, best to err on the side of caution (and civility) I think.

I figure if we keep it civil we're all less likely to get an awful neck tattoo, buy a crossbow, and start hunting down random strangers. Right?
