MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > Saw this and 10 Cloverfield Lane back-to...

Saw this and 10 Cloverfield Lane back-to-back

Very jarring to see the same actor play totally different roles in the two movies. In fact, I got suspicious of John Gallagher Jr. in 10 Cloverfield Lane because I had seen him in Hush. Terrific actor.



And not too long before seeing Hush I watched him in Short Term 12 where he plays an incredibly empathetic, kind, and genial worker at a home for children with emotional issues.

In fact, while I did not recognize him at first, when I watched Hush I was thrown off by this part of my brain that kept saying "But he's such a nice guy!" when the killer was being such a creep. It took a trip here to the IMDb to figure out why I had such positive associations with him.


I discovered him in 10 Cloverfield Lane and loved his performance in that. Saw Hush for the first time tonight and had NO IDEA he was the killer until I saw him in credits on IMDB. Wow!!!!! What an amazing actor!


Definitely check out Short Term 12--he isn't the lead but he has a major supporting role. Brie Larson in the starring role is just fantastic.


Thanks, will do!


Check him out in his Broadway performances of Spring Awakening and American Idiot if you really want to see what he's capable of. Very talented guy! He's also good on The Newsroom.


Very jarring to see the same actor play totally different roles in the two movies. In fact, I got suspicious of John Gallagher Jr. in "10 Cloverfield Lane" because I had seen him in "Hush". Terrific actor.

Funny, I just happened to watch 10 Cloverfield Lane yesterday and Hush today back-to-back (reverse order from you) and didn't even realize he was the same guy until I came to the boards.
