MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > Can somebody explain to me why...

Can somebody explain to me why...

people are always asking for new ideas, changing of tropes, and exploration of something different for once, especially in a horror/thriller movie where everything has been done to death, and then when something comes along trying to do just that, they get upset that things aren't exactly the same they always have been?

Case in point, this movie. Loved it. Really engaging, and exciting. My opinion anyway. Yet, here there are so many people bitching because the killer took his mask off for most of the movie, or because he didn't look "scary enough". What? How many movies just like this one have had a masked killer the whole way through? How many movies before have had more "traditionally" looking (read: attractive) men playing the killer? Guys. GUYS. This guy was never supposed to be some macho, uber-creepy psychopath. He was just a guy. He could be your everyday nobody who gets picked on in high school, and he probably was, which led to his looking for power through violence. That's different! That's an interesting character! Why on earth do you people want to keep everything the same?


Yeah. I thought it was a nice subversion that the killer took off his mask and left it off.

Also, it makes for a very chilling moment when she's written that she didn't see his face so he decides to show her. Just so she knows she's going to die tonight.

You are sin.


The killer looked like a Starbucks barista. He wasn't scary or creepy nor were there jump scares. They should've made the killer a female - that would've been different.


"The killer looked like a Starbucks barista. He wasn't scary or creepy"

Like the OP pointed out, that was part of the point. He was Joe Shmo. Your neighbour, your friend, the quiet guy in class/at work. The point is that, in real life, ANYONE can be a murdering psychopath. We get movies ALL. THE. TIME. Where the killer is a crazed lunatic, or a suave boyfriend, or just plain creepy looking. The same tropes played out time and again. So much so in fact, that you can almost always guess who the killer is going to be. You don't expect the average guy down the street to be a sociopath.

"nor were there jump scares."

Yet again, you missed the point. No, there weren't any cheap jump scares. There was genuine tension and in place of overused b.s. jump scares we got to see things from her perspective - completely oblivious and powerless, because she can't hear a damn thing. You succeeded in proving the point the OP was making. People constantly complain about the same tropes being overused, yet when something comes along that changes things up people complain about it being different and not following the norm. Other films and t.v. shows have made the killer female. So no, that wouldn't be different. And even those shows/movies still recycled everything else.

This movie was good because it was different. It took a played out storyline, stripped it down to its basic level (woman trapped in the middle of nowhere with a killer on the loose) and put an entirely new spin on it. Different character types, different camera angles, different twist(s) etc. It was refreshing to not just watch the same recycled archetypes play out over and over again.


The mask looked cool but him taking it off was the right move. I agree most serial killers don't look creepy or stick out. Ted Bundy was a good looking guy with friends and had plenty of girlfriends. He didn't fit that stereotypical serial killer look.
