MovieChat Forums > Hush (2016) Discussion > She cud have killed him when..(spoilers)

She cud have killed him when..(spoilers)

1) she was on the roof nd he was climbing to get to the roof nd then he puts his crossbow there where she holds his hand at which point she hits him, instead she cud have taken one of the arrow nd pierced right through his head or smethng else tat cud have killed him.

2) when john was strangling the bad guy she cud hav ran there and took the knife and stabbed him or beat the *beep* outta him with that stone nd cud have maybe just maybe helped John too.

Well i know its just a movie, but they cud hav showed tat she tried nd failed. Tat way maybe extend the film timing frm 1.18 mins to 1.30 maybe.. just a thought btw. What do yall think?


In the bathroom when she stabbed him in the side and left the knife. She could have stabbed him a couple times!


Yea i thought about that too.


Yes that was the time to end it


i thought the same
