MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > How Will Chris Explain All Those Kills?

How Will Chris Explain All Those Kills?

Do you really think the local police are gonna believe his story and let him walk free after he slaughtered everyone who was at the house (some not even in self defense)? I'm sure after investigating they will see that all those missing men fell under the same trap as Chris so maybe they would have understood.


pretty sure the towns people will cover the deaths because they don't want their dirty little secret getting out

and all the people he killed were in self defense


I'm not sure about that a think rose's mom was killed in revenge and if the grandma that he ran over died it was an accident


rose mom came at him with a scissors


He actually went after the dad when he could have just ran upstairs. I consider him going after the mom too since he went to seek her out in her office. Really, the brother and sister were the only ones he killed in self defense (if the sister is even dead, I have a feeling she'll be back for a sequel).


The police probably let him go, fearing they would be called racist if they pressed charges.


This might not count as canon but I looked up one of alternative endings and it has Chris getting arrested I think by a racist cop and I have no idea if Chris was being set up somehow making it seem like kills were something else or if the cop did not buy his story somehow


Murder suicide by "grandpa"
