MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Why are people calling it racist?

Why are people calling it racist?

The only argument I see for this is that "all the white characters are evil." It makes sense that anyone going to this get together in the woods would be both evil and racist. Why would there be any good people there?

I'm white, I didn't find it to be racist.


And white people are evil. Let's face it. It's not racist to speak the truth.


Right... that's the logical conclusion to draw from this. I don't understand the purpose of your comment.


"And white people are evil"........ looks like the indoctrination has worked like a charm.


Just imagine the shoe on the other foot....


you're right


I'm black and I think the racial role reversal (a white guy getting kidnapped by a black family) could work with a compelling racial commentary, especially if done by Jordan Peele.


I'm white, didn't even know it was considered racist towards whites. I view it as a contemporary artistic view of the black experience, which I believe is what we're supposed to take from it. Leave it to the uptight whites (upwhites?) to make it an anti-white thing


But isn't it an anti-white film?


I'm white. Didn't view it as anti-white, but I now see why people would consider this movie racist. If you were to make this movie with the skin colors reversed I think there'd be a massive uproar in today's society.


how? what specifically was anti white


It's not. Jordan Peele is mixed race because his mom is white

These criticisms are from white guys who have a very specific political bias


I find asking them to get specific makes them flee. they love making vague general sweeping comments and not provide specific evidence. when asked they run away


True that. There are no real discussions to be had from these specific types


anyone who actually finds this movie racist is a fwagile snowflake. they cant handle any movie where fictional white characters are the villains, what a bunch of poons. and most of them are conservative "alpha males", how ironic. most of em are probably just frustrated that this movie showed a black man winning, lol. cant have that!


1950-2010 - all villains are essentially white males. meanwhile conservatives "awww yaa these are great movies before all the woeness with badass real men!"

2010- now- villains now more diverse, but still largely white men. now conservatives "damn anti white propaganda!!!! whitey always has to be the bad guy!"

then when its a non white its "not believable" and "more woke trash".


Agreed. Imagine being so frail that seeing someone with your skin color as the villain in a fictional story is enough to label something/someone as "racist".


yes it's anti-white. sheesh


The main character was black. Not Racist.


It's definitely white-o-phobic... I wasn't offended or anything, but I couldn't take the movie seriously.


As much as you're not going to agree with this and 99% of MC will scoff at this and thumb their nose at it, everyone and I mean, EVERYONE are Racist to a degree.. That is all.. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to go to the Gym and then to Church where I will pray for all of YOU
