Looks good!

First season is out tomorrow on Netflix. I plan on binging it during the weekend. Nice to see Jason Bateman in something darker again, he's a really good actor.


Just watched the first episode. Pretty darn good. Jason directed and was the producer of first episode...


And it is very good, i'm at the 6 episode, I love it!


Yes it is. I've watched four episodes and I sort of want to slow down my pace so that I don't go through it so quickly. Netflix has done it again.


It was alright, had potential but wasn't great. Bateman was okay when he wasn't Michael Bluthing it too much It really could have done without the FBI agent and his excessively gay story arc which felt tacked on & ultimately dragged the show down more than anything.


I just finished the last episode and I loved the whole thing. I thought that the FBI agents story arc was one of the best parts of the show. I like how he played Russ and seemed so cold and emotionless when he revealed who he really was, but I also felt sorry for Russ. He propably fell in love with him. It'll be interesting to see where this show goes if there is a second season.


Everyone's got a different opinion but yeah I definitely thought that story arc was totally useless and would have been left out. It weighed the show down. Apart from the story arc feeling tacked on I found the character neither interesting or sympathetic. Just an amoral creep who's scenes I struggled to sit through. If this show gets renewed (not sure it needs to be) I hope the character is dropped.


He's a rogue FBI agent, more concerned with personal revenge or aggrandizement, or his own internal conflicts, that he loses sight of his mission...and duty. Trashing a motel room in a fit of temper? Seriously? And his fellow agent doesn't report him because they have a past? One of the problems with this series -- as in many series -- is how contorted plot points become.


Trashing the hole room was too much, i mean... you didn't get the bad guys, sure, but was an exaggerated reaction. In any case, i like the character, is well performed and i really love the show.


He's a psychopath, too, I think. Which makes, perhaps, too many psychopaths for one show: Darlene, the FBI agent, Del Rio, and perhaps even Ruth. We have a little political soupmaking going on here with the portrayal of Missouri rednecks, the government (including the power company that created the Lake of the Ozarks), capitalism, corrupt law enforcement (the local sheriff), and the War on Drugs.

But it's very watchable, I agree.


A lot of people seem to love it. I thought it was okay and it didn't bore me too badly but it never lived up to the promise of the pilot. It felt like the showrunners made a check list of things they wanted to rip off from Breaking Bad and Justified and just jammed stuff in to make sure they could cross it off the list.

You already mentioned the pointless gay federal agent storyline but the "hillbillys" were not much better. Peter Mulan with his thick Scottish accent was really shitty casting as the head "hillbilly". The long redneck vs hillbilly monologue was painfully stupid. It was something a writer that never has even been camping would think was clever and homespun.

Also nothing that happened felt organic. Everything that occured was just to advance the plot and check off another box. Also is it smart for a money launderer on the run to tell every person he meets he's a money launderer on the run or to "hide" his laundered money and do his clandestine activities where anyone can observe him?

It seemed more like a spoof to me most of the time but no one told the cast it was a spoof or maybe they did.
