MovieChat Forums > Ozark (2017) Discussion > Why do dotards have to attack women ... ...

Why do dotards have to attack women ... Laura Linney is perfect for this role

I can hardly think of another actress who could get the nuances
of this role right. Sure, maybe she is past her prime ... so what.
Sooner or later everyone passes their prime and if you are in it,
it is pure conceit to pretend you of they are better than others.

The closeup shots on Linney show that she is older, but so is
Bateman ... and it seems real because what does the constant
working and stress like what the Byrde family would be undergoing
do to a person?

Stop attacking Linney ... she does well what a good actress should
do, better than 99%, she is an awesome actress.


She did a fine job...good actress
And as you said the fear and stress and marital discord would do a number on anyones appearance i would imagine (never cheat on my spouse or piss off gangsters so im guessing here!!)


The real danger of this show is calling Hillbillies Rednecks! ;-)


Haha sooo agreed!
I thought that was like saying the N word but against poor rural white folks..i never use the R term because i had been taught that its a slur!!
I cant keep up with this stuff anymore:(


Nobody is attacking anyone, people were just commenting that the actress looks very old, which she does. What's the problem?


The problem is you are not really reading the posts, you are in such a hurry to be an annoying character. I doubt you are old enough to even understand civilized behavior, let alone movie criticism.


Wow, look, a mature person who can accept others' point of view. Resorting to insults is a clear indication of not only a lack of intelligence but somebody unwilling to accept that others' think differently. What a little snowflake you are!
