Testing, testing!

*taps mic* Is this thing on?

I figured, maybe if someone took the dive and got the ball rolling here, more people would feel up to joining in and getting this place going. I know it's not perfect, but it's still quite new, and now that we'll be without the IMDb boards I know I'll take what I can get!

Legion is such a crazy, intricate, and wild show it deserves to have a place of discussion and analysis (yes, I know reddit is out there, but maybe there are others like me who don't prefer that as an option) where thoughtful, insightful, and fun conversations can begin and flourish.

So, I hope at least a few people come here and I'm not just typing into the abyss, and that a real community can form like it would've on IMDb. If I could transmit this to you all telepathically I would ;) Bring all your personalities, but maybe leave that children's book at home and let's jump in!



Hey! The hands rifling through the files comes in during the same quick cuts of when you see Dr. Poole all bloodied. You see hands taking out all the tapes that say 'Haller,' and also the sound of sirens and the red lights flashing from the sirens and that's it. It's in there, I promise, unless I'm starting to have David-like delusions myself :o

And yes, I've rewatched both episodes several times, so I get it, haha so much stuff coming at ya fast!



Right, more pieces of the puzzle will come every week, slowly adding on to a more complete picture. We have to remember too, that we're seeing this from David's perspective so I suspect that as he gains more control and command of his powers things may start to be presented in a more coherent way. I think it'll stay weird and trippy, but more purposefully.

That damn frog, haha, who thinks of that?! Junkies can certainly be creative. I really enjoyed that whole flashback segment.



I don't think it's particularly unique for them to do it through his view, that sort of perspective has been done a lot even within literature. But, each story is unique in regards to whose eyes we're seeing it through and how that colors what we're in turn seeing.

What we see as and through David won't be the same as seeing it firsthand through the lead of another show. Like Mr. Robot, a show it's been compared to and that I love as well does this too, but it's still different by nature of each protagonist being in very different circumstances and environments.

By using a first person sort of perspective we're being clued into a more singular and personal account of what's going on as opposed to a more general, sprawling one. This allows us to be more invested, I think, and feel like we're more a part of it. Think of it as the contrast between a POV shot and wide screen, if you will!



Really enjoying this show. I actually recall Legion's first appearance in the New Mutants comic book 30+ years ago, and can't believe how well the character has been adapted for television.

Can't wait to see how things develop.
