S1: Chapter 3

Yes, it's me again! Still doing what I can to get this board going. If you're lurking, please do jump in. The more the merrier because there's so much to discuss with this show.

I am just opening this up as a general thread for this episode for whatever comments, thoughts, or questions may come to mind and for us to mine through. If I happen to get ANY posts on this I'll consider doing one for every upcoming episode. Let's do this!!


Yay! I also came here to check posts, and I hope more people will be active on the Legion board.

So far I love the show, but I must admit it's a but confusing at times. I also assume it's deliberate for the viewers to be as confused as the people trying to help David and explore his abilities.


Yay, a reply! Haha...man, I was hoping for it!

What did you think of this episode? I kind of laughed thinking of some of the people who were saying they were hoping it'd get less convoluted and confusing, but I think this was the most messy one yet! I didn't have much of a problem with the other two, but I did find myself not quite knowing what the hell was going on here. Definitely a rewatch or two needed, like always.

And I think you're right. It's deliberately discombobulating (wow say that 3x fast). We're getting it largely from David's POV, and we know what a wild place that is to be, so of course it'd be all over the map. Messy, like I said, but a type of controlled chaos.

Thanks for jumping in!


Haha great!

I just posted some thoughts in a new thread on this board (which should be easy to find considering you and I are the only ones active atm).

I'll have to rewatch it after we get more answers throughout the season, I sense we'll get a new perspective on the first episodes at that point.



Just wondering, now that we seem to have some movement on this board, if any of you would like me to keep making threads for each episode? A general place where you can just through out on the fly observations or thoughts or first impressions? Maybe a little before and after kind of thing even? Or is that annoying and/or unnecessary?

Just trying to get a gauge for the type of threads people seem to engage with or not. Either way is fine, just rather know if the effort is pointless or not, basically, lol.


I'd like that. This is a show that gives the viewers lots of theories and I like reading what you and others think.


Sounds good to me. Like if we have threads labeled the correct episode instead of just "last episode", as people could be in different timezones and the last in the US could be another last than what is by then aired in f.ex Europe.


Okay, I'll continue doing it then! Glad to see you guys on board with it. I've seen places get a bit jumbled from everyone making threads for a bunch of random things or quick questions and figured it'd be neater to just have that all tied up in one.

And it could just be a place people go to whenever they have a thought about that particular episode, or maybe a theory before, as well as a summation for afterwards. Thanks for the feedback, guys!


That's certainly not to discourage folks from making threads, lord knows the more activity the better (in fact I hope to see more pop up), I'm just saying to make it a more organized and cohesive thing, is all.

I definitely don't want to be the only one doing so or stopping people from doing so, I look forward to seeing what you all have to say!


@beto...we were talking about the nicest children's book ever :p So, you were saying you think the book isn't a literal thing and more just a metaphor for something inside of him?

Considering I was questioning whether it was real or not too, I could see that. It could possibly have been made as yet another defensive wall in David's mind. The Angry Boy and Goiter Goblin...oops, that what I call him for now, lol...I mean, TDWYE, clearly act as his sort of mind army to ward off invaders while also wrecking havoc of their own.

I saw someone suggest on Reddit that maybe his father read that to him with the purpose of creating a defense or at least some sort of deflection of David himself. A thing to blame all his troubles and bad actions on, in a way. I thought that was an interesting theory. Either way David's memories are being edited/altered in some way to keep him from some deep, dark stuff. He did that to himself or maybe, just perhaps, someone got their first and did it for him.

What a tangled web.....


Bumping just to try and help keep this place afloat. The more threads the better right now, go on, try it out ;)


I'm here now cause I was just informed about the Search feature. (Dopey old me!)

I'm not a big Marvel fan, but I LOVE this! I think it's one of the best two shows on TV. The other one is This is Us.
