Skipped episode

What happened to the AIDS Crisis episode? It was supposed to air last night but a different episode was shown instead.


My dvr shows it will premiere next Saturday.


That's what I was looking for. The Regan episode was shown in its place. Hopefully they'll get it out soon.


Looks like it has been pulled again.


Ugh, I was wondering what in the world happened when my local CNN station was showing a repeat of the second episode.

According to IMDb's episode list, they're suppose to show the fourth episode on April 21st. We'll see how that pans out.


It got bumped because of the Dem Debate. Was supposed to be shown the following Sat and again was taken off the schedule becuase the debate was repeated. UGH.



Thank you. I thought I was going crazy. I had it on my DVR and then nothing.

This is the one thing I was looking at this series for. I want to see how they handle it. Looks like...they're still moving it around...

Ignorance is a handicap, and its effect cripples us all.


There is so much to cover about the 80s. I don't see why they're are dedicating an entire hour to what was essentially a gay plague (at that point in time).


10,000 dead and 100,000 more infected with an unexplained then deadly disease by 1989 in the US alone, and you don't see the importance? I guess gay lives don't matter.


I don't see why they're are dedicating an entire hour to what was essentially a gay plague (at that point in time).

They are (and should) air this to let people like you know that this is NOT what it was all about.

I lost many people in the 80s...(and 90s) young heterosexual friends, gay friends, babies of friends of friends, family members who had I am VERY upset when I read things like *beep**beep**beep* to all those who think this does not matter and it was the ONE thing, the saddest thing, that defined the decade.

The rest of it...doesn't matter too much to me, one who lived through the 80s. I made it. Many did not.

Ignorance is a handicap, and its effect cripples us all.


It seems that there is another skipped episode now due to Prince's death.


It happened again, the episode about the Berlin Wall, is not being shown in the slot where it was previously scheduled. Instead they are showing the Anthony Bourdain show.


They have totally fugged up the schedule and the order in which these episodes are gonna be'll end up something like 1-4-5-2-6-3-7. I set my DVR because I was on a road trip and I never got the shows on Reagan or AIDS...maybe the AIDS one hasn't run yet. But the Reagan episode was either postponed or moved to a different time slot.

CNN makes these great documentaries and then either postpones them for silly reasons or changes the order they run the episodes. And they constantly shift the time slots. Total bullsh*t.

🚋🚋 Just take that streetcar that's going uptown...


The entire Reagan episode which aired two weeks ago is on YouTube in hd quality.


So is the first one, for now.


Who knows anymore? So far, they have run the episodes about TV and the end of the Cold War. And maybe the one about Reagan ran on a day I didn't know about. I missed it. That one is supposed to be re-run this weekend. Good luck with that noise.

They should have run the sixth episode...whatever it was supposed to be...tonight, and were to have wrapped it up next Thursday. But there have been four postponements. Now the series will extend into early June.

The way they keep finding some stupid excuse for BREAKING NEWS on every stinking Thursday night, this seven-part series will end up being dragged out over three or four months. It's a great series, but the scheduling has turned into total chaos.

No excuse whatsoever for jerking viewers around like this. They did the same thing with "The Sixties"...when CNN became the "Crash News Network" (plane crash coverage, 24/7)...for months. CNN has become a bad, unfunny joke.

🚋🚋 Just take that streetcar that's going uptown...


Yeah, they never did the AIDS episode, or at least not yet.

So far, the episodes have been the pilot, which was 80's television shows, Reagan's presidency, the Cold War, and the technology boom.


When did they show the technology boom? I looked for it on Thursday and Saturday and it did not air.


It did air Thursday at 9:00, May 5th, I have it DVRed. I think the cable description called it The Digital Revolution.


What I got when I watched CNN on Thursday, May 5th at 9pm was an extra hour of "Breaking News" about Paul Ryan not backing Trump. Perhaps in your location it aired but here they decided to show an extra hour of "Breaking News."


Did you watch the show that got DVRed? I dvred it too and I got people still talking about the breaking news of Paul Ryan not endorsing Trump. It'll be the same title but if you watch what actually got recorded it's probably something else. Sometimes with these breaking news things they don't change the title but it'll certainly be an extra hour of Don Lemon and/or Anderson Cooper.


Yeah, I just now saw it. Christ, CNN is such a *beep* joke. This is just an example of a far-left news organization falling over themselves to show the Republicans fighting each other. To them, Ryan insulting Trump was news that just HAD to be broadcast for an hour. And Ryan should be ashamed of himself for sitting there for an hour with them.


"The Tech Boom" was NEVER was replaced with Ryan and Trump. They postponed it to this coming weekend...Saturday the 14th, but now U-Verse claims they are going to run the Cold War episode has already been run twice...maybe even three times.

And there is NO scheduled time for "The Tech Boom" at any point over the next two weeks. Perhaps they have pushed it all the way back into early JUNE?

I have been trying to DVR this series since the end of MARCH, and have been tearing my hair out over all these postponements and cancellations for BREAKING NEWS (the debates and the primaries, Prince's death, Ryan vs. Trump) during both April AND May. CNN seems to think that everything the GOP does is a BFD.

So far, since the end of March, they have run just THREE episodes...TV, Reagan, and the Cold War. Tonight's episode on Wall Street was only the fourth episode SEVEN weeks.

CNN IS a goddam joke. They did the same thing when "The Sixties" took them all summer to run the whole series because of BREAKING NEWS on that stupid plane that had been missing for MONTHS. Gimme a BREAK!

🚋🚋 Just take that streetcar that's going uptown...



I couldn't even get last night's episode Greed is Good... when I played the episode that had been DVR-ed it was Anderson Cooper blah blah blah again. How/when did you watch last night's episode?



It ran at 9 PM Eastern on Thursday, the 12th,,,and again at midnight. It is scheduled to be repeated on the 21st of this month, and again on the 29th, according to the U-verse Guide. But I wouldn't bet the farm on that schedule.

🚋🚋 Just take that streetcar that's going uptown...


Episode 3 never recorded for me and when 4 & 5 were supposed to be on it recorded something else. Thanks CNN for nothing.
