Money for Nothing

Anyone think that Money For Nothing should have been played on the trailer?


Yes, over a montage of BttF and the 85 Bears.


Da Bears!

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


I wanted to include the 1985 Royals in the list since I'm from KC but the 85 Bears are more universally known, and I mean that. They're probably discussed in other galaxies!


Confession: I don't follow sports at all. I just remember the old SNL sketches with the Chicago superfans.

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


The fact that non-sports fans are able to be made aware of a team by an SNL skit and that it resonates so many years later proves my opinion to me. A lot of people like to say baseball wasn't destroyed until 94 but I think the tide had already turned at least a decade earlier.
