
The acting, the plot, the terrible fake southern drawls, Damon's flat delivery, Clayne's over the top portrayal of Riggs.

I tried to like this.

SciFi-for those who understand the space outside the box is less crowded.


You didn't try hard enough. Did you even watch the first episode ?


You didn't try hard enough. Did you even watch the first episode ?

That explains the high rating for this show. 😒

SciFi-for those who understand the space outside the box is less crowded.


The show is actually entertaining. Your semantics analyzing is quite silly. Nobody's watching this show for Shakespearean performances.


100% agree with this^^^^^ It's a show meant for entertainment and if you're not entertained, there's a simple solution, don't watch. No one really cares if you think it's atrocious.



Only people would brains would understand how good this show is! I find it 100% entertaining and worth my undivided attention.


Exactly. The show is fun and entertaining and the cast seems to have good chemistry to work with. Not every show has to be award worthy in order to be enjoyable.


It's growing on me


I wouldn't say this is atrocious, but I don't feel it's found its rhythm yet. The two leads are both likeable but they don't have the same chemistry Gibson and Glover did (I hope that develops after a few more episodes).

One thing that really bothers me is that Crawford's version of Riggs doesn't appear particularly Lethal. If it had been Gibson's Martin Riggs in that biker bar he would have mopped the floor with those guys, especially the lout who was being abusive to his girlfriend at the bar, not found himself beaten and bleeding in the parking lot.

So far I've rated this a 5 but I'll keep watching and hoping it gets better.


I think this a fun show with a lot of humor. I love Damon Wayans; he has captured the character. Not sure about the guy playing Riggs. He isn't Mel Gibson. I am hoping the characterization will grow on me.
But I think this is a good, escape TV show. I will keep watching.
