MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon (2016) Discussion > Lethal Weapon movies aren't exactly Mast...

Lethal Weapon movies aren't exactly Masterpiece Theatre

So after all the grown man crying & bitching about a "classic" movie being destroyed, I decided to watch the Lethal Weapon movies to see what the fuss was about. While I enjoyed them, they are the same shoot em up, car chases & mindless entertainment as the TV show. A bomb that will go off when Roger gets off the toilet(mmmkay), Riggs chasing cars down on foot, unrealistic actions scenes, big ole explosions, etc. So when ppl say the TV show is dumbed down, I'd assume the movies would be intellectual think pieces but no. Just an urban western esqu film. The movie and the TV show follow the same formula and both are fun. So please stop exaggerating the quality of the movies it just makes you look whiny and uninformed.


I believe it is you who mighty well informed Mr. I Finally Watched Lethal Weapon And It Took Me Wanting To Call People Whiners To Do So And My Opinion Was Already Made Up Before Hand. That accurate enough?

Porch Monkey 4 Life


Finally? Maybe I'm not a fossil and wasn't old enough to be watching Lethal Weapon movies when they came out fool. But at least I did my just due before I commented on the matter. Also I didn't watch to call anyone whiny, I watched to see what the fuss was about as I stated in my post, but reading comprehension must be slipping away from you in your old age. Point still remains a bunch piss babies acting like Lethal Weapon movies is freaking Shakespeare when it's not. It was low brow entertainment just like the TV show. All you elderly whiners complaining about movies from the 80's need to get over it.


Yea, your an idiot, comparing a 2016 television show to a 1987 movie? And the 1987 movie clearly wins. That shouldn't even be a question. Of course the 2016 television show should be better, but it isn't. Those movies Rock, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, go home son, this computer-generated *beep* there making nowadays and back then it was a real thing. Hell just look at the money they made, it blows this *beep* now days away, and if you don't believe me, why the hell are they trying to make remakes ?, LOL
